Chapter 59

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Louis' POV:

The ambulance journey was a fast one, probably because we were skipping traffic queues and traffic lights in the main city. Perks of being in an ambulance heading straight to the hospital.

But then again the down side is, is that my boyfriend is bleeding out and I'm with the guy who shot him. Well this is... awkward.

We all just sat there in silence. The cat's eyes burned into my scull making me uncomfortable. I looked up at my boyfriend who wasn't looking back at me. Diesel's eyes burned into the cat with a burning anger.

"Diesel, be a doll and stop staring at me."

"The stop staring at what's mine." He said with a deep cold voice that sent shivers through the atmosphere.

"How can I? He's not yours after all. You just say that, but I've never heard him say that himself. Maybe let him speak for himself?" Free spoke calmly to diesel which made him growl. He then turned to me. "So doll, what do you think of the over grown dog."

"I love him. I was the one who agreed to be his boyfriend, so why don't you just cut the garbage and call it quits? I will never be yours so just stop with the cat act. Your a carnivore, a dangerous one at that so why don't you just stop pretending your a cute lovable cat when your a dangerous lion!" I spoke firmly.

"No one has been that direct with me. Maybe you should just shut your petty little snout and do what's best for you and oblige to my love. I can protect you in ways he can't." He spoke.

"Maybe you need your whiskers pulled. Because I'll pull your face into a wall!" Diesel said going forward with a lunge, trying to grab his whiskers.

Free roared and grabbed his wrist with a tight squeeze.

"Looks like I caught you. Now spend time in the dog house!" Free said cutting his claws into his skin.

He drew blood from Diesel's wrist that dripped onto the floor.

Diesel gave a gasp of pain.

"Free let go!" I yelled at him.

"Shhhh little fawn, you'll be heard by the drivers. You don't want me to alert them of your boyfriend's dangerous behaviour do you?"

I was going to protest but he gave me a sharp look. I shut my mouth and kept quiet as I was told.

The ambulance came to a stop which made us all jerk forward.

Free let go at the sound of the back doors opening which then let light flood in. The rhino stood there with two cheetah nurses behind him.

The ladies had hospital beds ready with white sanitary sheets covering the light blue leather of the bed.

"Alright boys, out." The rhino said placing in hands on his hips.

I was the first to slide out of the van, standing next to the door. Diesel then followed suit and Free from the opposite side.

"Excuse is sirs, please can you assemble yourself onto the beds in an inclined position." The first cheetah spoke.

Free did as he was told and walked over to the nearest bed and sat on it. He then swung his hips and legs onto the bed and lowered his back onto the bed.

"Nice to finally lie down after an eventful night." Free spoke with a sigh.

"It didn't have to be this way." Diesel spoke with a hint of anger as he lay down in the second bed.

"Of course it did." Free spoke.

"What was done had to be done." Free spoke with a smile.

"Somehow I don't believe a word you say." Diesel spoke as he was covered with a blanket

Beastars: The Beast and LouisWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt