Chapter 43

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Diesel's POV:

I winced as I was sat in a armchair, putting some rubbing alcohol on my cut. It's so deep.

A knock came from my door.


Axel entered the room. A annoyed look on his face.

"Hey Axel, what you doing here. Aren't you meant to be celebrating with the others downstairs?" I said looking at the grumpy dog.

He just grunted at me.

"Are you going to talk? Or just stare at me. Come on, I don't have all day. And preferably while I'm still a dog."


I looked at him strangely.


"Why let that low life of a lion kill the chief? That could have been your kill! You let them take your prey away from you. Why did you just offer him up!?" He yelled at me.

I looked at him.

"Tell me, why are you mad at something I purposely did, or should I say, didn't do?" I said getting up from my leather chair and putting the cotton bud I was using to clean my brow with in the bin under my desk.

"It was your kill! You don't let people take away your prey if you want to survive out here!" He yelled again.

"Stop talking like that."

"Like what?" He yelled again.

"A predator! If you want a place in this gang, you can't talk like that! Your previous boss may have allowed it but I'm not him. I'm putting my own spin on this gang and that's that. You don't snap at me, or you will be my next prey." I shouted at him.

"I would like to see that go down, in my opinion your a weak dog who can't do anything by himself! You don't belong out here!" Axel snapped again.

I barked and snapped my jaw towards his shoulder, making him jump back in fright.

"You dare talk to me like that again and I would hesitate to bite you." I said in a calmer tone. "You forget who your talking to."

"Do I?"

"I purposely didn't kill him myself, that was never the intention! The point of death was never in my plan. And when it did, I wanted that lion to do it because he had a better reason than I! If I were to kill him, I would have gotten a name for myself." I shouted.

"Yeah of a powerful leader!" He yelled again.

"You don't understand! I have a larger plan for this gang that you couldn't imagine. If I were to kill him, I would deprive you of the opportunity."

"Maybe get your act together and we will listen to you. You need to prove it to us."

"Well I'm not Angus. I do things when I say so, I rarely take orders from people like you."

"Then go back to school. Take my advice. Go back to school. Im 24 years old, I'm not a pup anymore. And I'm your superior. Go back to school."

He stared at me one last time and left.

I put a patch on over my eyebrow. Maybe he's right. I will go back sooner rather than later.

I sat back at my desk and withdrew a packet of cigarettes. I popped one in my mouth and grabbed my lighter.

Before I could light it, Stacey knocked on the door.

She entered carrying a busty file.

"Hi sir, some documents we have been waiting years for just came through from the meat providers down at Joey's meat tavern. It's all the documents about all live stock in the black market now and previously in the past.

Beastars: The Beast and LouisWhere stories live. Discover now