Chapter 35

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Diesel's POV:

After breakfast, I got into the limo with Axel. The deal was that I would stay at school permanently unless it was a Saturday or if they needed me. I would board like usual and stay there as usual, except now I have a side pup.

Axel sat too himself and didn't speak to me.  The steady hum of the engine was relaxing and decided to smoke a cigarette.

I felt for my packet but wouldn't find them. Maybe I dropped them? Yeah maybe then I was kidnapped they fell out my pocket, along with my lighter. Dang it!

I looked over at Axel again. He looked annoyed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He snapped.

"No reason." I spoke back not reacting to his anger towards me.

We pulled up to the gates of Cherrington and I got out into the curb. Axel slid across the seats to follow suit.

I slammed the door shut and then tapped the top of the car, signalling it to go. The driver understood and left the curb, leaving Axel and I stood there.

We walked through the gates and down the path to the main buildings. I told axel to go back to his dorm. I wanted to get some fresh air. He offered to come with me, so I agreed. We headed off to the club rooms.

Louis's POV:

That Legoshi is really starting to pee me off. He's never going to get Diesel. I'm the respected Red deer, if he had to choose between him and me, he would would choose me. Wouldn't he?

It's almost 11 am and we are nearing lunch time. The drama club has completely dropped in performance quality. No queues are in the right places, the reaction times are slow and the body movements are sloppy.

"I won't let you pass! The big oak decided our paths and thus, this path is not for you." Els spoke up to the large carnivore that was the bengal tiger of the club.

"So be it! I.... the... the... ummmmm... almighty wind spirit will... blow you to smitheries?" Bill spoke unsure of his lines.

"No you won't! The oak-" Els began but I cut her off.

"Enough! Enough. Your lines are slow and should be powerful not unsure and cowardly. Have you not been revising your lines?" I asked spitefully.

"Of course I have..." he said looking down at me from the stage.

"Oh yeah, then is this the best you can do? How do you think your going to be Adler when this is all you have. Your both sloppy with stage directions and your queues are incredibly slow. Your breaking the magic of the performance, the first years and the other years of the audience came to see us because we are the respected club of this school. Don't you think that you should dedicate yourselves to this and make this the talk of the year. You don't get it do you, your not used to the spotlight and if you can't show up on the night, prepared to the max, then you will fail." I said shouting making the whole of the club look at us.

"Jeez, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Chillax, we have all the time in the world, don't get your pretty little antlers in a twist just because your cranky. Are you mad that there is a chance that we are going to ruin your reputation? Or are you mad because Diesel is missing?"

"This has nothing to do with that mutt! This is about you ruining this all for everyone. Don't you think that we all have something big on our shoulders right now. This show mean everything to some members here, and we don't want to ruin it do we." I spoke back still fuming, also lying to myself. This is about diesel. I'm worried for him and angry that Legoshi is trying to steal him from me.

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