Chapter 53

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(Ppl ask me a lot if my cats and dog get along. As I was writing this chapter my cat came in and curled up at the bottom of my bed near my feet and then my dog came in and came up onto my bed too. I have live proof of them getting along (as shown in the photo) and it was rlly sweet as Ellie my ginger cat had never let Albie near her as he was a puppy and was chasing her all the time and being all annoying so I always said no, but now I can say yes :3

Sorry for long wait again, homework be stacked up against me rn) 

Louis' POV:

I'm knelt on something soft.

My hands tied, my feet cuffed and a blindfold covered my eyes.

"Welcome Louis to our humble abode. Im sorry but our chairman isn't here at the moment, but he is on his way as we speak. Don't be alarmed, we won't bite." A mysterious voice said from around me.

My ears twitched, trying to find the voice.

"Who are you?"

"Oh we are more than you could ever imagine."

"If your going to eat me, just make it quick and do it now. I don't have time to wait around." I said annoyed.

"What makes you think we will eat you?"

"But you said in the car that you would eat me."

"Oh little fawn, we were lying! We sent a little video to a friend of ours to guilt trip him to pay up for your freedom. Just a little deal. ¥3 000 000 for your safe return. That's fair I would say, your high quality meat after all." The voice said from around me.

"That still doesn't answer my question. Who are you?"

"We are the Shi Shi Gumi. A well respected gang amongst the carnivores and the black market. The holders of the great cane, we are at the top of the food chain." He whipped off the blind fold so I could see who and what was around me. A bunch of 11 maybe 12 lions. The one that was stood forward, walked to the window, the soft rain pattering on the glass he looked out, his reflection I could see in the glass. "However we have new competition. The newly upcoming Mikkusu Gumi has climbed the ranks unusually fast. Their new boss has been beneficial for them... less to us. We are slowly losing gain and profit. At this rate we will lose everything we have gained and worked hard for. That MUTT TOOK IT ALL AWAY FROM US!"

"Okay, chill." I said looking at him.

(Look at dat SASSSSS)

"I'm not going to let that dobbie take our glory. We are at the top of the chain! US! NOT THEM!" The lion yelled, banging his fist on the wall.

"Did you say... Dobbie?" I asked. "As in a Doberman?"

"Yes, I did, why?"

"I know all about them. They could tear you to shreds even if your lions. The strongest, noble dog breed out there." I said looking at the lion.

"SHUT UP NUMBER FOUR! Your the one going to help us deal with it." He yelled whipping around and shoving a clawed finger in my face. Looming over me like a ghoul.

"How is this my deal? This sounds like a you problem no offence. Plus their carnivores. I'm a herbivore. What do you want me to do about this? That dog could chomp me into bits." I said looking at the lion. He peered down at me through his half moon spectacles.

"It's your deal because you know the guy!"

"I do?" I asked in shock.

"Yes, your little boyfriend Diesel is their boss! He's been lying to you. That he was staying with his mates, getting to go to a new work outside the city, revenging his mother. Well, the last one was true, HE KILLED ONE OF OUR OWN! Our boss! He twisted himself into Free's mind to shoot the chief. HES A MURDERER."

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