Chapter 2

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Louis' POV:

A sudden sound came from behind me. It sounded like a vase breaking. It was the middle of class so it was either a teacher or a student skiving lessons.

A deep growing noise. I spun around to see the larger dog looking behind him. His ears rotating for any detection of the slightest sound. He lifted his snout and started sniffing the air.

He creeped silently and carefully as he came nearer to a corner. He pressed himself up against the wall. His ears scanning for sound again.

"What's the matter?" Heidi asked. The large Doberman didn't reply except pressed a large clawed finger up to his snout. Signifying us to stay silent.

He then leaped around the corner with a bark. A yelp of surprise came from that direction.

The large Doberman was dragging a dog by the collar of his shirt.

"Who are you?" He asked in a harsh tone. Again his deep voice sent a shiver down my spine.

"Jack? What are you doing skipping lessons?" I asked scolding him.

"I'm sorry, I heard a roomer that the new students have arrived! It's true then." Jack said wagging his tail.

The Doberman and the other dog just stood their looking at him.

"Wait... OH MY GOODNESS!!! YOUR DIESEL!" Jack practically yelled.

The Doberman just sighed.

"Keep it down will you?" He said looking at the small golden retriever.

"So it is you! That means that this is Heidi!" He said as my sister smiled and gave him a small wave.

"Yeah so?" Diesel asked harshly. Heidi elbowing him in the rib cage. He grunted at this gesture.

"Wow! You really don't look anything like twins. And your so much taller than in the photos!" Jack said smiling up at him.

TWINS??? As in these two are related and were born at the same time?

"Am I missing something?" I asked not knowing why Jack is getting excited.

"You don't know? He's the most famous male model of the company Claws & Co!" Jack said. "Everyone wants to date him! And Heidi is the most famous female model. They even model matching couple clothing and brother and sister clothing too! They are so cool!"

Claws & Co? The company that my dad loves?

Diesels's POV:

Ugh I did not want this today. I wanted to to unpack and settle in, not have a wave of fan boys hit me like a brick wall!

"Well, I appreciate the support. I would also appreciate if you keep this under wraps for a bit. I don't want a swarm of people at my door or follow me everywhere I go." I said walking forward and grabbing my suitcase again.

"Got it! Not a word! I'll get back to class now. See you later!" The holder retriever left around the corner again.

Louis turned on his heal and walked in the direction we were heading previously. We followed close behind.

I got a good look at him. He was tall for his species. Very noble. Obviously a pedigree. His antlers had 12 peaks. Most male deer only have 6 or 7.

"Your staring?" He asked suddenly. "I can feel your eyes on me. It's rude to stare if you didn't know."

"Big nerve for a herbivore. Better be careful, that line could be what defies life and death." I said coldly to him.

He stopped. I could see him shake in fear at my words. He made a sort of annoyed grunt. Maybe he was shaking with anger... not fear.

He suddenly whipped round to face me. His chestnut eyes narrowed, they were the eyes of a fighter.

"I'll tell you one thing! I'm not just some herbivore!" He said lifting his head up.

"Well, we'll see won't we, at the moment you are just a deer and I am a Doberman. We'll see what happens... shall we. You know, there's something about you that's off. I can't put my paw on it, but there's something definitely." I said leaning down to his level.

His face creased up and he clenched his teeth.

"You know nothing about me!" He yelled.

"Looks like I hit a nerve, right Heidi." I laughed.

"Diesel!" She snapped at me through clenched teeth and punched me in the arm. I didn't flinch. "I apologise for my brother. He's... always been like this."

"It's fine. Just don't push my buttons." Louis said before turning around again.

"Or what?" I asked smirking.

"You will see a side to me you don't want to see." He said before walking.

I don't know why but... I felt my cheeks flush. He's cute when he's angry-

Wait!! WHAT? Did I seriously just think that? Am I... going soft?? No! I can't be!

We followed behind him until he stopped at a big building.

"This is the female Carnivore house. Heidi this is we're you will be staying, room 502. Should be on the 10th floor if I remember correctly. Diesel, your coming with me." He said as he turned in the opposite direction, heading for the green courtyard.

Heidi pulled my arm down, bringing me down to her height.

"What?" I asked as she went onto her tips of her toes to reach my ear. She cupped the side of her mouth and whispered into my ear.

"Don't get into a fight with him. Remember what the head said, he's one of his favourite students. He is obviously adored. Don't get a reputation for yourself or you could be hated." Heidi said pulling away from my ear.

I stood back up. I looked towards the direction Louis was walking. He had stopped and turned to look at us. He lifted his head up a bit so his chin was in the air, looking full with pride.

"Don't worry sis. I'll be careful." I said before walking toward him.

"Let's go." Louis said before walking beside me.

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