Chapter 34

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Diesel's POV:

(The next day)

This is strange. So strange. The building looked... like a normal Japanese building but inside was a maze of different rooms and weird hallways.

I stood in an office looking around, there was a large double bed in the corner of the room and a window overlooking the sea. We were near a dock for sure. On the other side of the room was a desk with a bookcase filled with different coloured books of all different sizes and thicknesses.

I went over to the desk. There were letters and spreadsheets scattered on it. I picked one up and started reading aloud.

"Shipping amounts monthly:

Bamboo grass: 5 tons
Raw Beef: 2 tones
Elephant tusks: X
Venison: 1 ton"

A knock at the door made my head whip around. The door creaked open and a the borzoi from earlier entered carrying a silver tray with a tea set on top and a coffee pot.

I quickly put the papers down as if to make it look like I wasn't snooping.

"You know that you can look at that. That's your business now, boss." She spoke coming into the room.

I smiled and gave a small chuckle at the name. I turned back to the paper that I was just looking at, picking it up again.

She set the tray down and then made her way to me.

"What's this?" I asked her.

"The amount of trade we get in off the shipping boats from docks next door. We have international traders overseas and we use this to see how much stock we get each month. Giving a round estimate of the year." She said setting her hands on her hips above her utility belt.

"What does the 'X' mean?"

"It means we didn't get any of that product. In the case of elephant tucks, that specific suppler comes from Africa and has been an unreliable source since we made an alliance. We pay a hefty price for the goods and and only get a small profit from the ones we do sell to the healthcare services for them to make medicines. That supplier is in great dept to us, as he's not doing what we are paying him to do. And we have no idea what to do about the situation, that's why none of us are fit to be boss." She said now leaning her paw on the desk. "Do you have... any... ideas?"

"I have an idea. Cut off our money transfers with him and demand that he gives what he owes. If he declines, then he has to pay our money back of what he missed plus a small fee for interest. If he declines again, well well, then we bring out the guns and let them do the talking. They really do speak for themselves, don't you think?" I said looking at the pooch beside me.

"I knew we made a right choice choosing you." She said smiling at me. "Now Mr grand Boss, time for the tour of HQ."

I followed her down the hallways.

"Here we are all different species. That's why we have different rooms styled to all of our resident's needs and natural habitats. We all share rooms here so we have 4 animals of similar species with similar habitat needs put with each other in a room. In a wing there are many rooms in the wing, spread out on each side. They are named by what floor their on and what compass point they are facing.

They are all assigned to a floor in a wing. The wings depend on the animals behaviour and personality. If they are regal but love the hunt, they will be placed with the same type of animals in their species group.

In the Mikkusu Gumi, all of us are carnivores. We don't have many herbivores amongst us. We all eat meat. The only herbivores here are hybrids with carnivore genes to eat and desire meat.

Beastars: The Beast and LouisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant