late night

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i opened my apartment door a little after 2am to jamie.

he quickly embraced me.

once i was in his arms my emotions let lose and i was crying once again.

"calm down, im here."

"what did we do?" i asked

"nothing baby. nothing."

he picked me up and moved inside along with his bags.

"aren't you supposed to be in canada tomorrow?" i asked

"yeah but i want you to go with me." he soothed me.

he sat his bag down and placed me on the kitchen counter, he looked over my shoulder at my apartment.

"you didn't go to sleep did you?" he asked, seeing my blanket and pillows on the couch.

"no, too much to think about."

"stop crying. i told you everythings fine." he said, using his thumb to wipe my tears

"your parents are gonna hate me." i said

"my mom loves you. i told her all about you. she said shes excited to have a daughter in law."

"jamie were pregnant, not fucking engaged." i said

"not yet...but shes excited to meet you, she wants to spend some time with you, just you and her if you're up to that. i told her everything about you, and i told her everything that i did to you so shes mad at me & not you." he smiled.

"but your dad-"

"thats a worry for when we meet them okay? for now lets get you to bed."

he picked me up again and carried me to my bedroom.

he laid me in bed before taking his shirt off and laying next to me.

he placed his hand on my stomach and i sighed heavily.

"you know im not mad at you right? this was both of us, okay? mostly me. got it? i love you."

"i love you too." i cried.

"how are you not panicking right now?" i asked

"i am, i just dont worry the same way that you do."


i woke up in jamies arms.

"morning." he said kissing my cheek.

"morning." i yawned

the topics of today would involve; summer plans, how were going to tell our families & friends, am i moving to anaheim with jamie for this coming season, my doctors appointments, jamie going to colorado with me & me going to canada with jamie.

it was 8am and my thoughts about already managed to cause me anxiety.

"so you want me to go to canada with you?" i asked

"i would like you too."

"i gotta tell my boss that i have a family emergency."

i picked up my phone and called my boss, explaining that something came up and i would be out of town for the next 5 days. she didn't hesitate her answer of yes, and i was allowed to go.

although if dallas wins tomorrow, they will head into round 2 of the playoffs. giving me 7 days to figure things out before our possible next road trip.

"good thing is; my bag is packed and ready to go. bad thing is; i dont make lots of money when i dont work jamie so, lets make this asap rocky so i can get back to work." i explained

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