Y/n on a rampage PT.1

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Aphmau was walking towards her house because she just came back from a mining trip. As she opened the door she suddenly heard TNT get lit. She ran away from her house as it started to explode.

"My house..."

She looked around in a panic when she heard a weird laugh. She looked around expecting to see Ein but she then saw her own SISTER! Aphmaus eye's widened. Aphmau asked her sister why she exploded her house. Her sister didnt answer and just dissapeard in a cloud of smoke while cackling like a maniac.

"Aph! What's all the commosion?!" Zane asked her as he ran towards her.

Aphmau explained everything while Zane just stood there shocked. They went to Ein's house as they 'calmly' opened the door "EIN!!"

"AHH" Ein shrieked like a girl as he fell to the ground.

"Ein! I know you have something to do with Y/n pranking Aphmau! Cause we all know Y/n is a sweet and innocent girl who would never do anyone harm" Zane ranted to Ein as Aphmau raised her brow at Innocent.

After a while they decided it was time to try and stop Y/n. They walked towards her house and knocked on the door. But unfortunately no answer. They stood there for about three minutes until the floor beneath them suddenly disappeared and they fell into a whole.


"Welcome to my Secret Base!"

Aphmau,Zane and Ein looked and saw Y/n standing on a dark cloud. She was smirking and holding a black spellbook with a skull symbol on it. Zane looked at the book almost as if he recognized it.

"Please sis,tell me why you blew up my house" Aphmau pleaded with her sister.

Y/n laughed as if it was so funny seeing her sister begging her. Zane and Ein looked so confused. "Well you see...I was just...Bored!" Y/n said with a dark look in her eyes. Aphmau has never seen her sister this way in her life. She's always been so sweet towards her. Was it maybe because she was jealous of Aphmau.

"Are you jealous of me?" Aphmau asked in low whisper.

Y/n now looked enraged her eyes now turning a deep scarlett red. She shook her head. "I will stop if"

"If what?"

"If you can find find me~" Y/n said with a smirk. She then disappeared into a cloud of smoke leaving no trace that she was ever there. All you could hear was her distant cackling.

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