Aaron is in love with YN

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Hi guys! It's me Y/n. Something totally weird has happened on the server. My sisters boyfriend is in love with me?!
How will my sister react? Read to find. Oh and don't forget to vote and comment! Hehe,thanks!


I sat in my kitchen eating some cupcakes when suddenly my door broke. In came my sister Aphmau. She came running in a panic. I looked at her confused as to why she broke my door down. Like seriously what type of person breaks down doors like that? She stood still panting.

"What is it Aphmau?" I asked her still confused as to why the Hell she broke down my door?!

She slowly stopped panting and looked at me. "Come with me and Aaron on our daily mining trip".

I looked at her blankly. Is she being for real? Why did she have to break down my door?! "Are you being freaking for real"

"Yes. I am."

"Okay. But why did you have to break down my door?!"


"Because what?"

"Just because" she smiled sweetly.

I glared at her. "I hate you"

"I love you too"

I rolled my eyes and got up from my chair. We both walked outside only to hear a explosion in the distance. It seemingly came from Aaron's house. We both ran there immediately. As we reached his house we saw Aaron covered in some sort of pink goo. We moved closer to Aaron. Aaron turned towards us and made eye contact with me. Suddenly his eye color changed a bright pink color before going back to his original coal coloured eyes.

"Aaron what's wrong? What was that good?" Aphmau asked her boyfriend worriedly. Aaron ignored her and stepped closer to me. He caressed my cheek as I stared at him in shock. Aphmau asked him what he's doing but he ignored her again.

"You're so beautiful babe" he said cupping my cheeks.

I pulled away from him instantly snapping out of my shocked state. Me and Aphmau looked at eachother before looking back at Aaron in horror.

"W-what are you saying A-Aaron?"

He turned to Aphmau. "What do you mean Aphmau? I'm just saying how beautiful the love of my life is".
My eyes widened even more. If I kept this up,they might just pop out.

"You're l-lying. You don't like my sister! Do you?..You like me..right?"

Aaron rolled his eyes. "Stop being stupid Aphmau. I like Y/n. I always have and I always will".

Aaron grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the mines. I struggled to get out of his grip but he was too strong. Damn werewolf strength.

"Aaron,let me go. I'm not your girlfriend,Aphmau is"

Aaron laughed at my statement. Did he really just laugh at me the little-

"Your funny babe. But your my girlfriend. And I love you. Now let's get to mining"

One hour later

I smiled at Aaron. The mining trip was somehow fun. Yes my arms felt like they were about to break off. But somehow Aaron made me enjoy the trip. Maybe he isn't that bad. Yes, it's weird that he thinks i'm his girlfriend. But other than that,he really made me enjoy myself.
All of a sudden Zane and Aphmau came running towards us.

"Y/n! Aaron! We have a idea. If you truly love Y/n Aaron, then you'll kiss her. But if you don't love her, kiss Aphmau" Zane said.

Is he dumb or something? Why the hell would he and Aphmau even suggest that. This is the stupidest idea I've ever heard. I knew they were idiots but damn.


But before I knew it, he had closed the distance between us and was standing close enough to touch. He put his hands on my hip

And before I could react, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me deeply and tenderly.

I was left stunned and dizzy, and when I opened my eyes, I saw him grinning at me, his eyes full of glee.

This was the kind of surprise I never saw coming.

Zane and Aphmau were both stunned as they stared at us. They were definitely not expecting that. And I wasn't either.

"Oh my god... " Zane exclaimed his mouth agape.

Aphmau looked at us in terror. Her eyes slowly becoming teary.

"Aph. I'm so sorry I-"

Before I could finish my sentence she ran off. Zane ran after her trying to concole her. Oh god. Shi-
Stuff is about to go down. Yeah,stuff. I looked at Aaron and he was just smiling like nothing was wrong. But I knew better. I knew for a fact that something is definitely wrong.

I turned to walk back home. As I turned around I made eye contact with Noi. Oh no. The last person I wanted to see right now. What would he think? Oh my Irene help me. I swear it's like in one of those Wattpad fanfics with the endless amount of drama.

"Hi Noi..."

"Did you and Aaron just k-kiss?" he asked his voice cracking slightly. I hate my life.

"Yes we did. She's my girlfriend,so it's only natural"

Noi stared at us in shock. "Nante koto suru ndesu ka?". Before I could say anything he ran off.

Noi has logged off

Oh no.

Suddenly a potion splashed on Aaron. I looked around and saw Kim.

"Kim? What the heck? What was that?!"

"Chill out Y/n. It's the antidote. Hey Aaron,do you still liked Y/n?"

Aaron rubbed his head groaning. He looked at Kim. "No,what the hell. I like Aph"

Oh thank god.

"Yay! You're back to normal!"


Nante koto suru ndesu ka- How could you
Btw anyone just love this song. Like I fr am obsessed.

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