A little nudge

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Oikawa had survived his first day back since the incident and was thinking of asking Iwaizumi to hang out again now that things had started to calm down. Iwaizumi also wanted to hang out with Oikawa but was scared to ask. If he was being honest, he was slightly nervous about spending time alone with Oikawa. Not that Oikawa would ever figure out his feelings due to how oblivious he was.

Iwaizumi wasn't sure if Oikawa did like him but didn't want to get his hopes up. Makki and Mattsun have been acting weird around the two boys, clearly not oblivious to their feelings for one another. However, they never fully intervened, knowing the boys needed to work things out for themselves. That didn't mean they couldn't give them a little nudge in the right direction though.

"Hey guys, me and Makki were gonna hang out later if you wanted to join us." Mattsun suggested in their group chat. "Yeah, it could be like a double date :)" Makki chimed in. "Uhh date?? Um guys..." Oikawa texted back frantically, terrified that either of them would give away his feelings for his best friend.

"Uhh yeah what the hell!? Why would you say that..." Iwaizumi responded, having the same reaction as Oikawa. "Yeah, like a platonic date. Well, obviously Makki and I are dating, but you two can join us as friends."
"Yeah, unless you'd want to come with us as something other than friends :)" Makki teased, having to stop himself from going too far.

Both Iwaizumi and Oikawa were blushing messes. They were so shocked that Makki really had the nerve to tease them like that in front of each other. As humiliating as it was, they had to admit, it was also kind of exciting.

"Makki what the hell!?" Oikawa texted Makki privately. "What do you mean? I'm not doing anything 😇" Oikawa gave up, leaving Makki on read. He knew the more he continued to react, the more likely Makki was to continue.

"Hey Makki, don't you think you're going a bit far?" Mattsun said to his boyfriend. They had been together the whole time, texting separately in the group chat. "Yeah, you're probably right. It's just so frustrating sometimes seeing two of your best friends in love with each other without knowing it and not being able to do anything. Because, I know they would be so much happier if they were together."

"I get you. Their pining after each other has been getting on my nerves. But I think we should still let them figure things out on their own."
"When did you become so wise?"
"Oh shut up."

Makki ended up apologising to both Oikawa and Iwaizumi separately and texted the rest of the details in the group chat. "Hey, you did the right thing. I know it's not easy sitting back but you have to admit, it is kinda fun to watch." Mattsun said with a smile.
"Yeah, you're not wrong there. They're like a couple of clowns"
"Kinda like us hey." Mattsun said, causing the both of them to laugh.

"But I think, maybe part of me sees myself in both of them. You know, I never told you this but I've liked you for- like- a long time and I wish I could have become your boyfriend sooner so we could have more time together. And maybe I could have used a little nudge."

"I actually get what you mean. I've also liked you for a while believe it or not. And there were some days where I would just feel hopeless. Having a crush on your best friend and thinking it's unrequited isn't easy. Sometimes I wish I'd had a little nudge too."

The two boys exchanged a comforting smile, Makki putting his hand on Mattsun's shoulder. "Especially since we're both boys. I wasn't even sure if you accepted that kind of thing let alone being a part of it."
"Yeah, but boys loving boys is such a beautiful thing. I wish it was more normalised. Then, maybe things would have been easier. But at least we can make the others feel more comfortable, knowing there's already a queer couple who they're best friends with."

"Exactly. And knowing that we can help them just by existing and being ourselves makes me feel so much better. I never really thought of it that way before. But I'm so grateful."
"For what?"
"You dummy! And the opportunity to help our friends." The boys laughed again, pulling each other into a cuddle. "But hey, if you ever wanna talk, about serious stuff, then I'm here to listen. Because I'm not just your boyfriend, I'm still your best friend too. And I want to make sure I'm here for you. And to make sure you don't make any dumb decisions."

"Hey!" Makki exclaimed, tackling his boyfriend onto the floor, laughing. "But I appreciate it, thank you."
The two boys laid on the floor cuddling each other for a moment. "Okay but why are we on the floor. Surely the bed is a much better location for cuddling." Mattsun giggled.
"Pfft you're right, come here!"


Oikawa and Iwaizumi decided to meet up before going to Mattsun's. They both felt slightly awkward around each other and there was undeniable tension between the two. Yet they both ignored it and tried to act as normal. "Right, shall we go?" Iwaizumi said holding his arm out to Oikawa.

Oikawa slithered his arm in between Iwaizumi's as they started walking. "So, that was so weird what Makki said in the group chat earlier."
"Haha yeah, why would he say that though?" There was a knot in both of their stomachs, both of them full of anxiety and neither making a move.
"It's Makki, he's always saying weird stuff."
"But I think- actually nevermind." Neither of them could look at each other. Oikawa was finally starting to realise that maybe he had a chance. And yet, he couldn't bring himself to say anything, neither could Iwaizumi.

"Hey we should hang out again just the two of us soon."
"Ooh Iwa, you made that sound so romantic." Oikawa teased. Although he was nervous out of his mind, if there was one thing he could do, it was teasing others as a coping mechanism. Even if it was about himself.
"Oh shut up, you know what I meant. Believe it or not, I actually enjoy your company."

What was this? Iwaizumi actually being sentimental? Oikawa made sure not to take this moment for granted. He unconsciously held on to Iwaizumi's arm tighter, bringing him closer, causing Iwaizumi to blush. "I'm so tempted to tease you right now but I don't care. I enjoy your company too Iwa." Oikawa looked Iwaizumi in the eyes, a new found confidence washing over him.

Meanwhile, Iwaizumi was getting more nervous by the minute, wishing Mattsun's house was closer. He met Oikawa's big brown eyes and found he couldn't look away. His eyes were so beautiful and the street lights illuminated them perfectly. Iwaizumi reached out for Oikawa's face without thinking, almost as if he was in a trance.

He put his hand on Oikawa's cheek and almost brought Oikawa's face closer to his own. However, he immediately snapped out of it. "Ah, sorry, you had something on your face!" Iwaizumi said, flustered. Oikawa's confidence shattered slightly, thinking Iwaizumi was looking at "something on his face" the entire time. Luckily for Iwaizumi, he had saved himself, but also hurt Oikawa's chances of ever confessing to him.

Iwaizumi only knew one thing. If he and Oikawa were ever to get together, he needed to be the one to make it happen. He knew Oikawa most likely wouldn't be brave enough, and honestly, he couldn't blame him after everything he'd been through recently. But Iwaizumi was getting desperate and was starting to care less about the risk of destroying their friendship when there was a chance to become something more. All Iwaizumi needed was just a little nudge.

Oh my god! It's been ages, I'm so sorryyy! I don't even have a valid excuse I just forgot to update. But I'm back once again and I'm not gonna give up so easily. Sorry if this chapter seemed rushed at all, I was trying to pace it out but I'm so excited to get to the end! Anyways, I'll try to update as soon as I can but I have a lot of assignments to do atm so it might be a struggle. But it will be worth it! I hope you enjoyed & hope you guys are okay :) 💖💖

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