Water fight

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Oikawa was the first of the three to wake up. Normally he would always lie in on weekends but something was preventing him from doing so. It was really early, so early in fact that it was still dark outside.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, making his way for the kitchen. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. He wasn't particularly thirsty but he hoped a drink could provide some comfort.

After gulping down the water, he felt no better than he had before he drank it. He went back to his bed and decided to play on his phone until hopefully he felt sleepy enough to fall back asleep.

He went on social media and saw the last thing he wanted to see. It was a selfie of Iwaizumi and Emiko that Emiko had posted on her account. He thought about unfollowing her but he thought that would be too petty and it would show some vulnerability.

A single tear fell from his eye, splashing onto his phone before he wiped it away and realised he was in the company of two of the best people on earth. As if they'd read his mind, the two of them sat up and looked at Oikawa. "Please don't tell me you're thinking about that girl again Oikawa." Oikawa looked at Makki with sorrow and showed him the photo.

"I didn't tell you guys this but, before I came over, she messaged me." Oikawa pulled up the message and the boys' expressions turned into ones of horror. "How can she be so horrible to you? Especially after you've given them some space!"
"Yeah! This is getting way out of hand." The two boys ranted.

Mattsun grabbed his own phone and started typing something which began to concern Oikawa. "Mattsun what are you doing?"
"Giving this psycho a piece of my mind!" He replied angrily. Oikawa couldn't help but smile. He really did have the best friends in the world, as crazy as they were.

Mattsun had managed to send a message that looked more like an essay to Emiko. "Listen here you psychotic bitch. Oikawa is my best friend and he has done absolutely nothing to invade your privacy and your relationship with your boyfriend. He is one of the kindest people I know and although he has his flaws, he always tries to please others and make sure people are happy with him. You have done nothing but torment him for no reason and that makes me sick. Stay away from him and let him talk to his best friend. Honestly, Iwaizumi could have done way better than you."

Oikawa read the message and tears pricked in his eyes once again. He wasn't used to having such nice things being said about him like this. Sure, people would comment on his appearance all the time but when it came to his personality, it was often overlooked.

Oikawa had always felt a little insecure about his personality. Worried he was coming on too strong or being too annoying, being too boring, being too loud etc. It was always Iwaizumi that would remind him that his personality was appreciated and that he was perfect just the way he was.

Although he and his best friend argued a lot, they were extremely close and would spend almost all of their time together. That was until Emiko showed up. Makki and Mattsun had almost become Iwaizumi's replacement at this point.

The three of them went back to sleep and managed to get a couple more hours in before they woke up once again, later on in the morning. They all got dressed and cleaned their teeth while mentally preparing for the water fight they had promised the previous day.

The gathered in the kitchen and filled up balloons and water pistols with water at the sink. They each ended up with 5 balloons and one pistol each, carrying the balloons in small bags and pistols in hand.

They all took their positions from across the garden. "Ready, set, go!" Mattsun called out, chasing after Makki. Oikawa raced forward towards Makki to help Mattsun. Mattsun squirted Makki with the pistol who yelled as the cold water splashed him in the face. Then, Mattsun turned on Oikawa who was approaching the two and threw a balloon at him.

"Ahhh hey I was gonna help you get Makki!" Oikawa whined as he retreated, Mattsun chasing him with Makki following from behind. Oikawa suddenly heard a yelp from behind him as he turned to see Mattsun drenched with remanence of balloon in his hair. "Hahaha you're soaked Mattsun!" Makki roared from behind, obviously having thrown a balloon at him.

Mattsun turned back to Makki and chucked another balloon of his own at him. Except this time, it missed and splashed on the ground, causing Makki to laugh even harder. Oikawa took this chance to squirt Makki with his pistol and then it was Mattsun's turn to laugh as Makki wiped the water out of his eyes. "Ohh you'll pay for that Oikawa!"

The water fight continued for a while longer, consisting of screaming and laughing and the occasional tumble of Oikawa tripping over something. The boys were running around the garden without a care in the world and it was exactly what Oikawa needed.

The boys entered the house completely soaked and received a scolding from Mattsun's mum. She gave them each a towel and told them to go dry off in Mattsun's room. They all talked and laughed for a while until they were dry and decided to go downstairs and play more video games.

They decided on FNAF 4 (them being Makki and Mattsun while Oikawa pleaded that they play mario kart in stead). Makki and Mattsun played while Oikawa watched, hiding behind the two boys.

While they were playing, Mattsun's mum made cookies for the three of them which they happily scoffed. "So guys, we should do this again sometime." Oikawa spoke up, licking the crumbs off of his mouth.

"Yeah, it's been fun." Makki said, still finishing the last of his cookie. "Next time at your house Oikawa?"
"Sure, though I'll have to tidy it before you come over, it looks like a bomb site right now." Oikawa replied, chuckling.

Soon after they'd finished the cookies, Makki and Oikawa left. As Oikawa was walking back to his house, he felt as if something was off. The streets were quieter than usual, eerie and almost deserted. His hair started to stand up on the back of his neck and he got the feeling that he was being watched.

He started to quicken his pace, being slightly freaked out, especially since he'd not long watched Makki and Mattsun play FNAF 4. His house wasn't far away so he wasn't too worried. It might just be a fan that's too nervous to approach him.

He quickened his pace further but as he did so, he started to hear footsteps from behind him. He stopped and turned around but there was no one there. He soon took off into a run and the footsteps behind him started up again.

He took his keys out of his pocket and ran up to his door as he reached his housed. He fumbled around but managed to get the key into the lock. He looked out of the window once he was inside and the door was locked, to see who might have been stalking him.

Hands shaking, he leaned against the window pane and spotted something behind a bin and could swear he saw a familiar face. A face that made him feel physical pain just looking at it. The face of Emiko.

Hiii not me turning this into a thriller lmao. This was not where I planned this to go I just made it up on the spot. I wanted to add some more drama into the story again without it being too depressing, so I thought why not add a little bit of suspense. I've had writers block for a while but thrillers and horrors always give me so many ideas so I guess that's another reason I added this in. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!! Please take care of yourselves and have an amazing day! <3

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