Back to normal

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"Hey Oikawa, glad to see you're back on your feet!" Makki and Mattsun ran up to Oikawa as he walked through the school gates alongside Iwaizumi. The two boys had been riddled with guilt for the past few days, having felt responsible for the fact he'd been sent to hospital.

Obviously they weren't the ones who hit him in the first place but they had hidden the message from him before the party.

They explained everything to him at the hospital once he had mostly recovered and had had time to process everything. To their surprise, Oikawa wasn't mad at all. He actually thanked them saying he probably wouldn't have gone through with it otherwise. And Oikawa would suffer 100 head injuries if it meant Iwaizumi would remain his best friend.

Iwaizumi was also full of guilt. The night of the party made him realise something very important. If Oikawa's condition had been worse, he may not have even got to say goodbye. Of course, he kept these thoughts to himself but it made him think that maybe he should be nicer to Oikawa. Maybe even leave a few hints here and there, though it's not like Oikawa would be smart enough to pick up on them.

And Iwaizumi also had a realisation that he didn't want to lose his best friend without knowing his true feelings towards him. But he still wasn't planning on confessing any time soon. At least, not without a little help.

For now, he was just relieved to have his best friend back. And Oikawa looked better than ever. Being hospitalised for a few days was exactly what he needed to recover, especially considering all the stress he'd been put under recently. He'd needed a break away from school and especially away from Emiko.

The only problem Oikawa would face now was the unwanted attention about his recent confession at the party. He knew there would be more than just a few hateful people and probably a lot of disappointed fangirls. He'd never experienced any kind of serious hate before which was why he was a lot more nervous than some might be.

The second he walked into class, all heads turned towards him. Some people gave him dirty looks, others smiled at him sympathetically, and a few ran up to him asking questions. Oikawa didn't mind the dirty looks, nor did he mind the questions, he'd always been a fan of the spotlight. And so far, no one had said anything horrible to him which was way less terrifying than Oikawa had envisioned.

Even the teacher acknowledged Oikawa as she walked into class. As much as Oikawa liked attention, he hoped it would die down soon. When it came to his looks, he loved people talking about him, even if it was negatively. He knew that people were most likely jealous. But when it came to things he was sensitive and unsure about like his sexuality, he didn't want a school full of people talking about it when he barely had things figured out himself.

He knew that people would be more cautious around him now. Other boys would hide from him in the changing rooms. People would gossip about which boy they thought he might have a crush on. People might even send fake love notes or confessions as a joke to see if he liked any of them. And was Oikawa prepared for any of that? Of course not. No one in their right mind would be prepared for something like that. But he was left with no choice and would have to put up with the consequences.

The only positive was that he didn't have to hide who he was anymore. And it meant he could finally see who his true friends are. Some of his friends accepted it, some of them refused to talk to Oikawa until he decided to be "normal" again. Oikawa was okay with losing a couple of friends seeing as some of them were annoying anyway.

The rest of the team also accepted Oikawa, to his relief. In a way, their opinions were what mattered most to him as he would be doing the thing he loves most (except for Iwa lol) alongside them.

During class, Oikawa noticed people whispering and continuing to look at him. This damaged his confidence slightly but he wasn't going to let that ruin his whole day. The only other thing keeping Oikawa happy besides Iwaizumi being back to normal was hearing the news about Emiko.

Makki and Mattsun had told Oikawa everything. They even went to visit her to cause her even more damage. They told her that Oikawa and Iwaizumi were closer than ever and had started dating (even though that wasn't true) and that no one at school missed her or even acknowledged that she wasn't there. Apparently her face looked like a red balloon as if it were slowly expanding the more they taunted her, ready to pop.

She ended up screaming at them and the security guards had to escort the boys out. Mattsun even managed to sneak a picture of her face which he showed Oikawa who couldn't stop laughing. He didn't want to jinx anything, but Oikawa felt as if things were finally getting back to normal for good this time.

Lunch rolled around the corner and Iwaizumi went to go grab his lunch, leaving Oikawa, Makki and Mattsun together at a bench. "Soooo..." Makki started. "So, what?" Oikawa replied, not sure what to expect from him. "When are you gonna ask out Iwaizumi?" Mattsun teased.

"Ask him out!? Are you crazy!? Why would I do that!?" Oikawa replied frantically. "Well he clearly likes you! And you obviously like him."
"Umm no he doesn't! There's no way Iwa likes me!"
Makki and Mattsun shared a look and then burst out laughing. "Um Oikawa are you hearing yourself? Have you seen the way he looks at you!?" Makki said through fits of giggles.

"What!? He doesn't look at me!" Oikawa continued.
"Oh my god Oikawa, how have you even made it this far in life?" Mattsun chuckled.
"Why would you think he likes me, there's no way that-"
"Am I interrupting something?" Iwaizumi suddenly appeared at the bench, causing Oikawa to almost fall out of his seat.

"N-nothing going on, just talking about... school." Oikawa's voice was quiet and high pitched, but Iwaizumi took no notice, sitting down next to him.
"So Oikawa, you look good!" Iwaizumi said, looking away, not used to dishing out compliments so casually, especially to Oikawa.

"What did you just say to me?" Oikawa said bewildered. Surely that wasn't Iwaizumi... flirting with him? "I-I said you look good. Well considering your head was smashed in with a bottle."
"I- Uhh thank you! Not so bad yourself Iwa." Oikawa couldn't believe Iwaizumi had actually said that to him. As flattered as he was, he was still convinced that Iwaizumi saw him as a friend.

"So, I hear you two are dating, congrats!!" Iwaizumi congratulated Makki and Mattsun. "So it's just me and you that are single huh." Iwaizumi nudged Oikawa with his attempt at dropping hints which Oikawa did not pick up.

"Oh yeah, there was that girl you said you liked right?"
"Oh I don't think I like her anymore." Iwaizumi's face has started to fall. Oikawa seemed oblivious to Iwaizumi's hints and he was thinking of giving up.

The bell rang for the end of lunch and the four boys scattered, going to their classes. "Well that was painful to watch" Makki said to Mattsun as they walked off to class. "Tell me about it. Do you think Oikawa's pretending not to notice or do you think he actually doesn't know?"

"Hard to tell but it seemed like his reactions were genuinely clueless. Poor Iwaizumi."
"Seriously, how can someone be that stupid!? It's practically been spelled out for him and he still thinks Iwaizumi's straight!"
"Yeah, even you with your shit gaydar can tell."
"Hey! There's nothing wrong with my gaydar!" Mattsun punched Makki playfully as he giggled.

"But, on a more serious note, what's gonna happen with us?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, are we keeping this a secret in school or are we gonna be one of those nauseatingly cringey couples that kisses in the hallways?" Makki said half-jokingly.
"Well, I wouldn't mind being a nauseatingly cringey couple with you. If you want the same."

"Well since Oikawa's out, I see no problem with being out as well. And my lips are getting kinda lonely, they're  missing yours."  Makki whispered the last line in Mattsun's ear, causing him to blush.

"Well what are you waiting for, my lips are right here." They both started to lean in until the second bell went off, startling them. "Uhh we should probably wait until after class when we actually have time." Mattsun laughed.
"Haha yeah. Wanna come over later?"
"Is that even a question?"
"Is it?"
"Oh my god you're so dumb."
"Yeah, but you love it."
"Shut up."

Heyaa!! I tried to start writing asap and I didn't do too badly this time. I was able to actually write stuff down without writer's block getting in the way! Still have lots of ideas, just need to get them down. Anyways hope you enjoy, and thanks so much for all the nice comments!! 💖💖

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