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As soon as visiting hours were open, Iwaizumi dashed to the hospital. He wasn't running on a lot of sleep but that didn't matter. The only thing that would give him peace was seeing his friend and knowing that he was okay.

He spoke with the receptionist who pointed him in the direction of Oikawa's hospital room. He knocked on the door, just in case he was awake. When no answer came, he slowly opened the door. Oikawa was lying still in his bed, his breathing slow and calm.

"Hey Oikawa, I don't want to disturb you, I just came to visit. You probably can't hear me right now but please wake up soon, I'm worried about you." Iwaizumi went over to him and took his hand in his own. He thought about kissing his forehead but was paranoid that Oikawa was actually just pretending to be asleep, even though it was unlikely. Besides, that would be weird, right?

Makki and Mattsun soon arrived and slowly peeled through the door. Upon seeing Iwaizumi in the state that he was next to Oikawa, they decided to give the two boys some space and come back later to check on Oikawa.

Iwaizumi stayed by his best friend's side for hours and ended up falling asleep with his head resting on Oikawa's chest. Makki and Mattsun had returned and couldn't resist a photo. They giggled to themselves childishly as they looked at the sight of Iwaizumi, collapsed with Oikawa's chest underneath his head.

They were no longer worried about Oikawa. They knew it would take more than a hit to the head to bring him down. And he had Iwaizumi, who would never let that happen.

Once again, they decided to leave the two in peace. It seemed like they both needed a good rest and would surely be better by the next day. There was one thing playing on their minds however. Would Emiko face consequences for this or would she get away with it like she does everything else? If there was one thing those boys would make sure of, it would be to bring Emiko down. For good.

The police had already been contacted and were investigating the situation as they spoke. Luckily, there were many witnesses to the scene, so there was no way Emiko could get away with what she did.

But the boys decided they didn't just want her to rot in jail. She deserved to suffer for what she put Oikawa through. They decided that once Emiko was in jail, they would pay her a visit. Whether Iwaizumi and Oikawa were together or not, they would tell her that they are and are living a happy life together.

Oikawa soon woke up, slightly disoriented. There was a weight on his chest and as soon as he saw what it was, he internally started to panic. He decided to continue to "be asleep" not wanting to make things awkward. He tried to fall back asleep but he realised he needed time to process everything that had happened in the past couple of days.

He threw a party, confessed to a whole crowd of people that he's gay, took down his greatest enemy and got hit on the head with a glass bottle by her, rendering him hospitalised. Not only that, but he'd also gained back his best friend, who clearly didn't seem to mind about his sexuality. But with him being this close, Oikawa couldn't help but feel hopeless at the fact Iwaizumi probably didn't like him back. But for now, this was nice.

Iwaizumi woke up an hour later, his neck hurting from the awkward position he was lying in. Oikawa felt him starting to move and quickly shut his eyes pretending to be asleep.

Iwaizumi sat up in his chair, deciding it was probably time for him to leave. "Oikawa, I'm so proud of you. I love you." He said, assuming he was still asleep. He leaned over and gave Oikawa a gentle forehead kiss and quickly left the room, embarrassed by what he just did.

Oikawa was left in shock. As soon as the door to his room closed, he shot up in bed. His cheeks were coloured red and his palms were sweating. "What the fuck." Oikawa said out loud to himself.

Oikawa had always been overly affectionate towards Iwaizumi and did things like saying "I love you" and giving forehead kisses all the time. It's why so many people would assume they were a couple. Iwaizumi would always get embarrassed and pretend he didn't like it, especially in public.

So to receive those three words plus a forehead kiss from him was almost unbelievable. He must have been really worried, although his best friend had just been knocked out and sent to hospital. But even so, Oikawa still couldn't believe it and he was there to see it.

Oikawa jumped out of bed and grabbed his diary that was full of entries about Iwaizumi.

Dear diary,

OMG OMG OMG!! I can't believe what just happened. Iwa told me he loved me and kissed me on my forehead! Ahhhh I'm dying. He's so cute ugh I can't.

Oikawa continued to ramble on to his diary about his crush on Iwaizumi. He always thought that writing things down was therapeutic and actually helped. It allowed him to process things and look back on them when he needed to be reminded of something.

The only downside was that someone could find it and read it. And Oikawa definitely didn't want that, especially if it were Iwaizumi reading it. Just the thought of Iwaizumi reading it made him shudder.

He finished his entry with his signature and shoved the diary back into his bag. Then a thought crossed his mind. A horrifying thought.

What if Iwa DID read my diary!

He picked it back up and frantically flicked through the pages for any sign of invasion. But to Oikawa's relief, no signs were found. He assumed that even if Iwaizumi had read it, he probably wouldn't have kissed Oikawa on the forehead. He found himself blushing just thinking about it again.

He calmly put back his diary for the second time and decided he should get some more rest. His head hurt slightly and he was too scared to even look in the mirror in case the hit had damaged his looks even slightly.

But for now, he needed to let all his worries go, especially those about Iwaizumi. For now, he needed to rest. Tomorrow is a new day.

HIII!! IM SO SORRY! I haven't updated in ages!! I haven't forgotten about the story I just haven't been able to come up with many ideas so sorry if this chapter isn't that good. Also I'm aware that the ending is kinda corny but I needed to end it somehow so I could update ASAP!! In the next chapter I might do a small time skip (like a few days) for when Oikawa gets out of the hospital. I might not tho, I'll just have to see how creative my brain feels. Anyways enjoy for now!! 😅

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