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"Hey guys! Have fun?" Oikawa asked Makki and Mattsun as they emerged from Mattsun's room. "Uhh yeah, lots of fun." Makki said, giving Mattsun a cheeky smile.

"What time are we doing the thing again?" Mattsun whispered, not wanting anyone to see them as suspicious. "Soon, give it let's say another hour and then we'll gather everyone in the garden."

Oikawa wanted to see how close he could get to Iwaizumi without Emiko noticing. Even just to talk to him for a minute would be all he would need. "Makki, could you do me a favour?" Oikawa asked, a plan forming in his mind.
"Sure, what is it?"
"I need you to distract Emiko just for a minute so I can talk to Iwaizumi. I know she doesn't like Mattsun but she seems to have taken a shining to you."

"I'm on it." Makki replied confidently. His strategy was to use her biggest weakness to his advantage; compliments. "Hey, Emiko, you're looking pretty as ever."
"Oh, hey Makki, thank you. Like my outfit?" She said with a smile.
"Of course! It makes you look like an angel, where'd you get it?"

Makki continued to butter her up while Oikawa snuck up behind her and grabbed Iwaizumi's arm, pulling him away. "Oikawa what are you doing!? Do you not realise how dangerous this is?"

"So I was right! You don't actually love her anymore, it was just pretend! But why Iwa?"
"Oikawa, I had no choice. She told me you had a dark secret that she would spill to the school if I didn't date her! And before you ask, no, she didn't tell me what it was."
"Iwa... you did all this to protect me?"

"I had to. Because I know you would do the same. And whatever your secret is, I know it would destroy your reputation. I don't expect you to tell me what it is. But I hope someday, maybe you will?" Oikawa stayed silent for a moment. He felt tears forming in his eyes. He knew Iwaizumi wasn't hurting him on purpose, but he never expected he was doing it to protect him.

"Iwa... I think one day, I will be ready to tell you. But first, I need to stop all of this."
"What are you going to do?"
"I have a plan to expose Emiko, tonight. It won't be long and we can be by each other's side again, I promise."
"You promise?"
"Pinky promise." They held out their pinkies and laughed at their childish ways. "Anyway, you should get back to Emiko before she notices you're gone and throws a fit."

"Yeah, haha" Iwaizumi turned to leave but stopped. He turned around to face Oikawa and grabbed him, pulling him into a hug. "It'll all be over soon Iwa. I won't let you suffer anymore, especially if it's because you're protecting me."

They reluctantly pulled away and Iwaizumi retreated to Emiko. She and Makki were just finishing up a conversation about her hair. As soon as Emiko laid eyes on Iwaizumi, she was completely distracted from their conversation, allowing Makki to slip away.

"Phew, I thought that girl would never stop talking about herself. She's such a narcissist!" Makki exclaimed as he returned to Mattsun and Oikawa. "Haha yeah. Soon she'll get what she deserves" Mattsun said, unable to wait much longer. "All right, we'll give it a few more minutes and then I'll grab the microphone and get everyone's attention." Oikawa explained, as if reading Mattsun's mind.

The two boys nodded and went off to mingle for a little while longer. Oikawa went up to the bathroom to calm himself down. He didn't think he'd be this nervous. He looked down to see his hands shaking.

He took in a deep breath and slowly let it back out again. He continued this for a minute or so until he finally felt ready. He was doing this, and his nerves weren't going to hold him back.

He grabbed the microphone and strolled downstairs. He stood up confidently on the couch and turned the microphone up, holding it to his mouth. "A-attention everyone! Meet us in the backyard, we have something we need to show you all." He continued to usher people into the garden as more people started to give him attention.

Soon, everyone was in the back garden where Mattsun had set up a projector. Once everyone had settled down, Makki got the play button on the first video Mattsun had taken.

"Hey, Emiko right?"
"Uhh do I know you?"
I don't think so, but I'm a friend of Iwaizumi's and I know it's late but I wanted to congratulate you on getting together."

The video continued playing, slowly exposing Emiko's hatred for Oikawa. Oikawa looked around to see Emiko with her arms folded, her face red all over. She was glaring at Oikawa and shaking her head. He knew what he had to come, but he was prepared for it.

The sequence of videos ended leaving the crowd of people in a stunned silence. Oikawa walked his way up to the front, microphone in hand. "So, now you see that Emiko, the precious angel of the school is a lying fraud. She's nothing but scum and it feels so good to finally show it to all of you."

The crowd started whispering and murmuring, turning to face Emiko with a sea of angry faces. To say Emiko was enraged was an understatement. Oikawa's eyes grew wide as she stormed up to the front and stood in front of Oikawa. She snatched the microphone from his hand.

"Well everyone, there's something that your precious king of the school Oikawa Tooru has also been keeping from you. See, he has a dirty little secret, because he is-" Oikawa snatched the microphone back from her before she could finish.

"Gay. I'm gay." Oikawa said proudly, not letting Emiko have the satisfaction of telling everyone herself. "Yeah, and if you have a problem with that, then you'll have to get through us!" Makki said, him and Mattsun standing beside Oikawa and taking his hands.

Iwaizumi watched them with the biggest smile as he saw Emiko's face scrunch up, angry tears forming in her eyes. The crowd was full of gasps and whispers, but eventually, they started clapping and cheering. Then, they started to boo at Emiko who looked like she was about to hyperventilate. She was looking around at the crowd desperately for a friendly face but none were found. All she saw was a sea of angry people defending Oikawa. And her blood was boiling. She was practically on fire.

Suddenly, Oikawa felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, gasps echoing across the crowd. His vision started to blur and he lost his balance. He could feel his vision getting darker and his body getting closer to the floor as he fell. He could feel a wet substance on the back of his head where the pain was and could only assume that it was blood.

The last thing he heard before he blacked out were the panicked screams of Makki, Mattsun and Iwaizumi as they rushed to his side, Emiko fleeing the scene. Iwaizumi was at his side, begging for him to wake up, Makki was calling an ambulance and Mattsun was in shock, not knowing whether to chase after Emiko or be there for his friend.

There was one thing that Oikawa had learnt from this experience. He had the best friends ever. He wasn't entirely sure what had happened to him but he knew that he didn't regret what he did. He did what he had to do. And if somehow being knocked out was the consequence of it all, then he hoped it would be worth it.

Hiii!! I'm so happy I finally wrote this scene! I've had this idea in my head for a while now and I'm so satisfied with the way it turned out. Don't worry, Oikawa isn't dead and this isn't the end of the story. It would be a bit dramatic if it ended this way 😂. I'm sure you can guess what happened, but if not, it will be explained soon. Also, thank you to those who keep commenting!! You're so sweet and your comments really make me laugh 🤣. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!!! <3

Jealousy - IwaoiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin