Chapter Ten: The Pendant

Start from the beginning

They finished dinner making small talk and then Madelyn headed up to her room, she changed into a pair of pajama pants and a tank top. Which is what she normally wore to bed.

She grabbed her grimoire and raised a privacy ward which was not unusual for her to do when she wanted complete silence to focus on something which in this case was so her parents didn't hear her talking to Kol.

The Lennox witch sat cross-legged on her bed and opened the grimoire she could almost do the spell without it but not quite, a few more times and she should be able to do it from memory.

She chanted to incantation before closing her eyes and reaching out just as she did before and she kept reaching out until she felt a tug and the familiar warm feeling that came with her soulmate's presence. "Hello, there little witch."

She opened her eyes and grinned at him "Hi."

Kol's eyes zeroed in on the necklace that she was wearing "where did that necklace come from? You didn't have it the last time we spoke."

She smiled as she ran her finger over the pendant "well, my aunt Julie sent it to me, apparently, she meant to give it to me with the grimoire because it was tucked away inside of ot but it must've fallen out before she gave me the grimoire, she said in the note that she just found it so she decided to go ahead and send it to me, it's cute and I can easily pass it off as standing for my first name since it starts with an M."

"It's my Mikaelson crest, each of my siblings has one, I just wasn't wearing mine at the time since I wasn't exactly speaking to my siblings so I kept it in a safe place, my grimoire and then I lost the grimoire the last time I was daggered so I just never let on like it was missing at all cause Nik would have had a temper tantrum because I lost something of significance to our family." Kol rolled his eyes at that.

"I figured that it was something of yours I felt the same warm feeling, that I feel when your presence is around, but I didn't think about it being a family thing, I can take it off and put it up for you if you want."

Kol smiled at her "keep it on, I don't mind you wearing it, plus it will show my siblings if you encounter them that you're important because that would be something that I wouldn't let just anyone wear, it will mean that they'll protect you, while I can't even though I'm sure you can handle yourself just fine little witch."

Madelyn shrugged "that may be true but having the oldest vampires to ever exist on your side is better than having them against you."

Kol laughed. "You have a point, little witch only someone with a death wish would get on the wrong side of an original."

Madelyn's phone rang, she checked the ID and smiled "it's Caroline, I'll just be a few minutes" she hit answer "hey Care what's up?"

"Mads, Damon keeps trying to compel me and I've been drinking the vervain every morning just like you said to and so I keep pretending that it's working because I'm afraid that he might actually kill me if I don't."

Madelyn clenches her fist, hearing the scared tone in her best friend's voice "it'll be all right Care-Bear, I'll handle it don't you worry your pretty little about a thing."

"Thanks, Mads, I just didn't know who else to talk to about this."

"Of course Care-Bear, I got your back baby, always."

"Love you Mads."

"Love you too Care." then they said their goodbyes.

Mads tossed her phone down on the bed a smirk making its way onto her face as Kol just watched, "well I have found some let's say interesting spells in this grimoire that I've been wanting to try out, seems I just found my test subject."

Kol looked at her "and who would that be?" but he smirked knowing exactly which spells she was talking about since they were ones that he added to the grimoire.

"Damon Salvatore, he's already on my list, and my list is not a place you want to be." Madelyn looked at her soulmate a smirk still on her face "I was this close," she motioned how close with her hands "to murdering him, but his stupid brother and his hero hair made me stop."

Kol gave her a look "Hero Hair?"

"You'd have to see his hair to understand what I mean by that but it's my nickname for him because it annoys the hell out of him."

Madelyn kept the spell up for a while longer, her and Kol just talking about anything and everything, until she started getting tired which Kol noticed immediately, and smiled at her "rest little witch, we can talk more later."

She gave him a smile and nodded, "I'll summon you again soon and we can talk more then."

"Of course darling." then she let the spell go and put her grimoire back in its place, dropped the privacy ward, and then went to bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

So Lexi makes her first official appearance in the next chapter, so the question is do we save her? Because I'm thinking yes we save Lexi

Also still figuring out the ship name for Kol and Mads, I'm between MadKol, Kodelyn and Koelyn.

The last two were suggested by -GHOSTTWRITER so ty for the suggestions (:

His Witch {Kol Mikaelson}Where stories live. Discover now