Chapter Eight: Making Contact

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The two made it to Mads house, the Lennox witch noticed her parent's car wasn't home, so she pulled her keys out and unlocked the door and walked into the kitchen, and saw a note saying that they would be in late there was a council meeting.

"Okay, so mom and dad won't be home for a while so there is no risk of interruption for this spell."

"Good." they both laugh, while Mads texts her parents and Caroline text her mom letting her know that she's at Mads and that Caroline is at their house so that they know. After that, the girls head up to Mads bedroom where she will be doing the spell, where all her ingredients and things are.

Once they were in her room Mads shut the door just in case her parents were to come home earlier than expected and she gathered everything that she needed for the spell and set them up on the floor the way the instructions said to and then she laid the grimoire in front of her on the floor. "Everything is ready now so you might want to have a seat somewhere Care-Bear, this could take a while."

Caroline nodded and took a seat on the bed, watching her best friend do her thing.

Mads sat on the floor with her legs crossed, she lit the candles with a flick of her wrist. She took a deep breath doing everything that the instructions on the page said before she closed her eyes and focused on the feeling from before, and she reached out with her magic, she kept reaching out until she felt a tug, and then she felt the presence again.

"What the hell?" Mads opened her eyes hearing the unfamiliar voice. He looked around for a moment that was an unusual feeling, but he stopped when his eyes landed on the blonde witch that he's been able to see do magic since she was 9, but this time she was looking right at him, which has never happened before.

"Hi." Mads smiled at him.

"You can see me?" he sounded surprised.

Mads nodded "yeah, I wasn't sure if the spell was going to work or not to be honest it was my first attempt doing it. But I needed answers so I was hoping it would work and it did, or we would not be talking right now."

He gives her a look "What kind of answers?"

"Well, the other day I was doing a spell for my friend and when I finished the spell for like for 30 seconds I could feel this presence in the room, it wasn't like a bad feeling though, and then literally it's all I've been able to think about for the past few days so I wanted to try and make contact and figure out what it was."

He gave her a contemplating look "well you've never noticed before."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know why but whenever you do magic, I can see it... it's like I can feel it."

"Okay, then that spell was also the first one that I've used a lot of magic in one sitting so I think that all the excess magic from the spell magnified your presence which allowed me to feel it for the first time." Mads looked behind him at the Forbes girl that was watching them with a look of awe on her face "I think you were right Care-Bear."

Caroline just beamed at her; she was happy for her best friend. He looked at Mads "what are you talking about?"

Mads smiled at him, "it's a long story, sit" she motioned to the spot in front of her "and I'll tell it to you, I'm Madelyn by the way Madelyn Lennox but my friends call me Mads or Maddie... just in case you didn't know that."

He sat down in front of her "well Madelyn, I'm Kol, Kol Mikaelson."

She thought back to meeting Elijah and smiled slightly so Elijah was right it was his brother Kol that was her soulmate. "Well, this story starts when I was nine, that is when I tapped into my magic."

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