Chapter Ten: The Pendant

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The Halloween Carnival had been interesting that was for sure with Madelyn's intervening, Vicki survived and Stefan took the Lennox witch's advice and called Lexi and the blonde vampire took Vicki under her wing and took her to teach her about being a vampire.

The Lennox witch had just gotten home from school. Her dad was already home, he worked from home a lot "Hey kiddo, how was school?"

She smiled at her father "hi dad it was alright."

"Good to hear. You've got a package, it's from Julie, it's on the kitchen counter. "

Madelyn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "interesting she didn't tell me she was sending me anything." The blonde walked into the kitchen and picked the small package up from the counter.

She carefully unwrapped the brown paper from the small box and pulled out a note. "There's a note." Madelyn read the note out loud.

Dear Mads,

This is a necklace and I meant to give it to you with the grimoire as it was tucked away inside of it but it must have fallen out before I gave you the grimoire and I've only just found it so I just decided to send it to you instead, let me know when you get it.


Aunt Julie.

The blonde smiled as she gently held the necklace up, "it's pretty."

Her dad had walked up to her as she was reading the note "what's the M stand for?"

Madelyn shrugged, "no clue, but I'm gonna wear it and can always pass it off as standing for my name since it starts with an M."

After talking to her dad for a few minutes Madelyn headed up to her room once inside she put the necklace on at her vanity and ran her finger over the pendant and as she did a familiar warm feeling washed over her making her smile. 'This must have also belonged to Kol.'

The Lennox witch also texted her aunt telling her that she got the package, also thanking her for the necklace.

After that, the Lennox witch started on her homework. Knowing that if she put it off she'd wait until theist minute to do it, so she usually did homework right after she got home from school.

Madelyn was just finishing up her homework when her mom knocked on her door "Hey Mads."

"Mom, hi what's up?"

"Dinner is ready."

"Okay, thanks mom I'm just finishing up my homework, I'll be down in a few minutes."

Melinda nodded at her and walked out of the room. Madelyn finished up and headed down for dinner.

As the teenager sat down her mother noticed the new piece of jewelry around her neck "is that necklace new Mads?"

The blonde witch grinned at her mom "yeah, it's cute right? Aunt Julie sent it to me, apparently she meant to give it to me with the grimoire but it fell out of the grimoire and she just found it according to the note with it."

Melinda nodded "oh nice it's cute Mads so how are things on your Soulmate search going?"

Madelyn bit back a smile, "I possibly have a name but that's it so far and I'm not 100 percent sure, I'm almost certain that it's him but we have to meet before I'll know without a shadow of a doubt."

Jacob looked at her "Oh and what's the name Mads?"

"Kol Mikaelson, that's all I got so far." so she left out that she had spoken to him but she was a little concerned about their reaction to the fact that her soulmate was one of the oldest vampires to exist and was waiting until she actually met him to break that to them.

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