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Ellie didn't get a wink of sleep for the rest of the night. The argument with Ghost kept her mind busy to the point where sleep just didn't exist anymore. His presence made her feel more uncomfortable, now that he told her his feelings.

And the kiss.

She couldn't get it out of her head. Feeling his lips on hers, and the subtle little sound Ghost had let out as he deepened the kiss. He said it was just to calm her down, but she felt like he wasn't telling the whole truth. It wasn't her place to ask, since he had made it clear of what he thought.

That morning, Ellie grabbed her clothes she had worn leaving the warehouse and stogged them into the backpack. Ghost was waiting in the car for her, he had barely said a word to her after she got up. That was fine by her.

She returned the keycard to the front desk and hopped into the beat up old rental car Ghost had gotten from the airport. Ellie kept her gaze out the passenger window as Ghost drove to the airport. The silence made her feel more uncomfortable than ever, and knowing that she wouldn't be staying with 141 for much longer broke her heart.

They left the vehicle in the rental area, and made their way towards security. Ellie was grateful that she had her passport, but she had to leave her pistol behind. Ghost had her bag it up and throw it out of the window on the highway, and the pistol landed in a ditch in the middle of nowhere.

Ghost grabbed the two tickets and they headed through security without an issue. Once they got to their terminal, Ellie stepped away from Ghost and went to a spot where phone fast chargers were lined up along a wall. Tossing the backpack onto the counter, she sat in one of the stools and plugged her dead phone into it, and waited for it to turn on.

Ghost leaned back against the counter beside her, his arms crossed as he observed the area. Ellie did her best to ignore him, but his hulking form and angry expression drew eyes from people everywhere. Those were harder to ignore than he was.

"Can you give me some fucking space?" Ellie snapped quietly after a few minutes.

"I'm not leaving you alone to run off, Collins."

Ellie threw up her hands. "Where the fuck would I go, Ghost? I have no more money to get anywhere, and I'd rather not be stuck down here any longer than I already have."

Her phone finally turned on, and Ellie connected to the airport wifi. The phone's restart seemed to be just what it needed, because her phone was littered with new text messages that it finally received. A lot of them were from Soap, asking how things were going and if Ghost was treating her okay.

Ellie deleted all of them from her notifications. She was still angry at Soap for telling Ghost about her feelings towards him, and he would get an earful when she got home.

After her phone got to about 50%, Ellie took it from the charger, grabbed her backpack, and hopped off of the stool to sit in one of the chairs in the terminal. She took a spot where there were no open chairs beside her, so Ghost had to sit across from her.

Ellie let out a sigh and looked through her phone while they waited to board. She felt Ghost's eyes on her the entire time, looking her over. If things were different, she would have been blushing and feeling nervous that he was watching her so intensly, but now it irritated her. At one point, Ellie looked up at him and frowned right back at him.

"Why are you staring at me?" she snapped.

Ghost only shook his head and looked away. Grabbing the backpack, Ellie stood up. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"To the bathroom. You know, unless you want me pissing on the plane." She turned on her heel and walked towards the bathroom before Ghost could reply.

Ellie pushed the door open and stood at the sink, leaning on it. Her head was pounding, but thanks to Ghost's stitch work, it wasn't as bad when she took the painkillers he gave her. She just wanted to go home, and talk with the colonel herself.

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