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TW: This chapter mentions dark themes such as torture and pedophilia. Please read at your own discretion.


Ellie was numb for most of the week after Ghost left. He didn't leave a trace of himself behind, even cleaning up the glasses he used for the scotch, and clearing out the ash tray. It was as if he hadn't been there at all.

But he was, and he had broken Ellie's heart harder than she could ever have imagined happening. She had completely avoided Tori and her invitation out the night after he left, and her work week consisted of ignoring any calls that weren't necessary.

Ellie had called Soap the next morning in tears. He was outraged after Ellie had told him everything that had happened, and promised to get a good earful to Ghost when he returned. Soap mentioned that he'd update her about the beating he'd give the Lieutenant when he returned.

But he didn't.

One week after Ghost left, Soap had called Ellie to let her know that he hadn't seen any signs of him. "He would've been back by now," Soap explained while Ellie had cooked herself a small dinner. "Not sure where he ran off to, but he hasn't even answered our calls."

"Hopefully he crashed and died," she muttered as she closed her air fryer and turned it on.

"With Ghost, who bloody well knows," Soap replied. "How are you holding up?"

Ellie rubbed her face and sighed as she stared down at the phone. "I'm trying not to let it get to me. Work kept me busy, and I'm seeing my therapist on Wednesday. I'm going to try and get out this weekend, might get myself laid."

"Atta girl," Soap laughed. "He didn't deserve you, El."

"I thought I deserved him," she replied quietly.

"You deserve better. Go on and enjoy your weekend, alright? I'm going out with Gaz and Price. Boys night, y'know?"

Ellie gave a weak smile and picked up her phone. "Sure, have fun Soap. And thanks for checking in."

"Anytime, Ellie. Take care of yourself." He hung up the phone, and Ellie sighed as the house became terribly quiet.

She finished up her chicken breasts in the air fryer and took the baked potato out of the oven. Gathering her food, Ellie went to the living room to try and eat her dinner. She hadn't eaten much in the past few days, but she had to keep trying to beat the depression that threatened to come back. She didn't want to fall back into the same hole she had began in, all because of Ghost.

She ate her dinner slowly, and Frank came out of his charging station to begin his rounds on the floor. Ellie watched the roomba for a bit longer than she expected to, smiling as it bumped into a chair and turned to go another way.

"At least you're faithful, Frank," Ellie said, shaking her head as she stabbed at the peel of her potato.

Her ambition to go out that night was null, she didn't want to go anywhere. Ellie looked down at her leg where Ghost's initials were scarring her thigh under her sweatpants. She had covered it up ever since he left, and she debated on booking a tattoo to cover it up. But she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She still loved the son of a bitch.

After she had finished cleaning up the dishes, Ellie grabbed a glass of wine, went upstairs, and curled up in her bed. She turned on Netflix and searched for a movie for a while, finally deciding on an older movie she had loved as a kid.

Her phone pinged a few minutes into the movie, and she glanced at the screen. A text from an unknown number with an attachment appeared. Frowning, Ellie grabbed her phone and opened the message.

Behind His Eyes (CoD: Ghost Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ