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It didn't take long for us to get on Earth, found a wide area to land, and got ready for exploration. Cheers still continued throughout the ship and I was left slightly smiling to myself. I took the first steps out of our home into the dark abyss. Our older relatives planned for us to land near the launchpad in which we were initially launched. We pointed all the ship's lights to our pathway to a National Aeronautics and Space Administration building, which we were informed was in the state, 'Florida.' It's been only 3 days since my dear mother died and the name simply broke my heart as if it wasn't broken before. Neila, my supposed sister is distant. I've never met her, I don't know her story, nor have I even felt like a sibling. The worst in all of this, she doesn't flinch at the name of our dead mother, almost like she never knew.

I'm currently outside in the cold waiting for my team of soldiers to assemble the necessary clothing and gear. We head out to find an electricity generator which we found wasn't too far from the building. The six of us walk cautiously with strong light gear. Obviously, none of us have seen anything of Earth so when we felt the uneven dirt beneath our feet, it felt unfamiliar and dangerous.

We reach the generator and 3 of our engineers work on the monstrous machine. I tap my watch and set up a radio signal to any of the working satellites still connected to the dead planet. Although I was still focused on my watch intensely, I heard a rustling behind me but decided not to turn around to alert the object. It swifts past me and I grab it on instinct. It's a pale African American boy who trembles at my touch. It looks like his skin had been avoiding the sun like he's been here for long.

"Who are you?" I yell, grabbing the attention of my team.

"P-please," He begs, "Don't hurt me." He puts his hands in surrender but then taps his wrist. A wild high-pitched static noise screams and I cover my ears in protection. I let go of the kid and he scrambles back behind a rock and into the darkness. The three engineers fix the generator and we rush back into our spacecraft to gather the rest of the people to go into the NASA building.

I reported what occurred but due to excitement, the officials and other fleet members shrugged it off. Although, halfway through the day, one of our historians decided to explore the building and found a room dedicated to a discovery humans found before they sent us away. It was about a tribe in Africa who were present at the time of making the language Swahili and were called the 'zilizo juu' which was discovered to be translated directly as "advanced ones." He mentioned the fact that this culture was too advanced for its time and it's "myth" was taken to be very similar to the story of Atlantis. He showed my photos that made my heart sink. One photo of a drawing on a rock in Africa resembled OUR ship's layout and structure. I told him to keep his mouth about it and we went our own ways.

As the day went on, I forgot about the whole situation with the boy and the African tribe since we got everyone settled and went to sleep. I stayed awake and then remembered one thing: where is my sister? Since she was new, I forgot all about her and realized I never remembered her getting off. I went to deal with the matter myself and put on cold climate gear to get out and search.

Not even the glow of the moon was present since gravity no longer held it in place. I walked near the ship and saw a white light coming from behind. The letters 'UMA' on the side of the ship scared me. Remembering all the things the historian mentioned, I sprinted to the building and alarmed a surprisingly working fire alarm. This woke up everyone and when the officials went to check who/what the root of the problem was, they were very disappointed. I explained the situation and everyone looked out the building.

Not having the courage to lose half of our population once again, everyone grabs something for a weapon. What came out of the ship was only a small amount of these black helmet-wearing freaks. Although we were confused, we still fought. No one is killing our population anymore. I grab a rusting metal rod that stuck from this old building. There were only about forty UMA's and there was no way they were able to overpower us. I guess they thought they could take down what was left of us but there were more than just men who were willing to fight.

The last creature got off the ship and attempted to enter the building. He was definitely the leader. We knew this because our ancestors mentioned the leader of the fleet with almost crown-shaped pendants sewed on the side of their shoulder sleeves. I raised my rusty bar, aimed, and hit the UMA upwards, knocking him out and taking out his helmet. When everyone realized, it was the last Alien, we cheered in personal victory. Everyone cheered my name and I smiled as everyone was ready to accept me fully as their leader.

I hear a groan under me. I grab the alien off the ground and take the helmet completely off the creature. It was a black man, A HUMAN. I then realized the truth about the African tribe. Commotion filled the room and suddenly, it turned dead silent. A woman's shadow approached the door. It was Neila.

"Who are you?" I question. "You sure aren't anything of mine biologically."

After I stated that, the black man in the UMA suit beneath my fingers said, "You idiots. You don't have a clue, don't you?"

"What do you mean, exactly?" One of the fleet members asked.

"UMA doesn't mean Universal Mothership of Aliens," He laughed and coughed out blood. "It means Universal Mothership of Africans. You're going to die whether or not you stay on this planet or that damn tracked ship." I narrow my eyes for more information but before I could react, Neila grabs a pocket knife from behind her and slits the leader's throat in front of everyone.

"Enough about him," She anxiously scurries, pulling me away and out the door. I pull my hand out of her hand to my caution.

"You murdered a man in front of children, you fool!" I yell.

"That doesn't matter. I was sent to do work here and you need to cut this chip out from my neck." I hesitate to do so but I'm quite far into shock of what just happened and proceed to cut a tiny square chip out of the side of her neck.

"Wha-" I start.

"I know you have a lot of questions but let me explain. I'm a UMA but generated by scientists with genetic engineering. The name is Samaran Zasendulo, plate number W9N-D3R. Initially, I was generated by your dead sister's DNA because there's always a ship following you everywhere." She claims. "You need to build a new ship and get everything out of that aircraft. Build a new ship, collect oxygen, and launch the last of your population out of here before the UMAs come back. You can come back to Earth but never go on that ship, it's tracked. I need to get out of here before they realize their best soldier just bailed on them." I stood in shock for a moment but then ran inside to inform everyone.

Within a month, we managed to build a new spaceship and just launched. Throughout the time of building the ship, we gathered as many resources, information, and oxygen needed. We put a tracking device on Earth so we can get back quickly as we please. We kept wary of any unwanted visitors but kept to Samaran's wishes and kept out of Earth unless absolutely necessary.

It's been a few years now. Although we haven't run into trouble yet, we did spot an aircraft more than 100 times the size of ours on our radar. It's the mothership of the UMAs. As of right now, it's only 500 miles from us. The last ambush was small. We were able to survive it but there's no doubt we'll die after this one.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

AIRCRAFT L0N-D8Nजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें