The Truth

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The first month of secret glances, skin brushing and giggling text conversations were bliss for Bree. Sure, she didn't like hiding it, but the pressure from everyone watching her and Nick's relationship was gone. For now, it was her and Sel's thing. And Alice's- at least she had Alice to confide in.

But Bree knew it wouldn't last, especially not in the Chapter- secrets spread quickly and with a bunch of Squires and Scions with heightened senses, it was best to keep it at Bree's dorm. Even so, it was only a matter of time until someone found out.

And of course, it had to be the last person she wanted to find out. She knew he would have to find out eventually, but she wanted to be the one to tell him, break it to him gently. Instead, a moment of carelessness got the better of them.

They were all at the Lodge, discussing the latest updates with Shadowborn and demons crossing over and new gates and whatever else was really starting to give Bree a headache. On her left sat Corinne, who had really proved herself as an incredible Kingsmage during their encounters and fights in the previous weeks, as well as their close bond due to root. Bree would trust her with her life- good thing she had to. Sel was on her right, with Nick next to him. She hadn't spoken to Nick much since, except in meetings and passing pleasantries. The news of their breakup created an awkward atmosphere for the first couple weeks, but after everyone had seen them talking, it eventually dissipated away.

Everyone had left the room for a lunch break, leaving her and Sel alone. They were just chatting about the latest Hellfox sightings when he slid his hand onto her thigh, and they were sitting way too close to be just friends . And it was in that moment, Nick walked in.

'Oh Bree you're in here! I was just wondering if you wanted to...'

His eyes slid down to Sel's hand and disappointment and hurt flashed across his face. Sel tried to pull away, but it was too late.

' Oh. You're busy, I'll leave you be.'

'Nick wait please!' Bree begged, scrambling out her chair.

'How long?' he pleaded, his eyes becoming uncomfortably glistening. Shit. They hadn't decided what they were going to tell him yet.

'Not long. Not while we were together. I promise. I would never do that to you.' She rushed, trying to find the right words.

'Is that... is that why?' He shook his head, unable to finish his sentence.

'Maybe a little bit? Everything I told you is the truth, I promise. As soon as I realised I might have feelings for someone else, I knew I had to end things. I couldn't do that to you, you deserve better Nick, honestly.' She stroked his shoulder as a gesture of comfort, and he didn't pull away. Surely a good sign?

'I do.'

'I know. You're the most perfect guy I've met but...' She could feel Sel's gaze dropping from her back. She would have to apologise for that later.


'I don't know. I can't describe it. I'm sorry.'

'I hope it works out for you two. I truly do. I just can't do this right now.' He shakes his head, rubbing his eyes.

'We can postpone the rest of the meeting until tomorrow-'

'No, don't worry about that, it's important. I'll cope. Does, uh, anyone else here know?' He asks with genuine curiosity.

'You and Alice are the only ones.' Nick sighs in response. 'And Nick- I was going to tell you, I was just still trying to figure this out for myself.'

'I know.' 'I won't tell the others'

'Thanks Nick.' She pulled him into an awkward hug, trying to heal the new cracks between them. She knew that they had to stick together as friends for the sake of the Order, so she wanted to try as hard as she could. And that Nick was a great guy, she wanted him to be one of her best friends.

Nick pulled away and rushed off to get his lunch.

'We should get some food too' Bree said, turning towards Sel.

'Was what you said true?'


'He's the most perfect guy?'

'Well, yeah. Surely even you know that.'

'Why are you with me? And not him?'

'I guess I don't want perfect. I feel something with you that was missing with Nick, and that's more than perfect.'

That seemed to cheer Sel up as he peeked out the door and planted a spine-tingling kiss on her lips.

'I think you're right- I'm starving.'

Nick gave them a resigned nod as they walked into the dining hall, and that was all the Bree needed to know that things were gonna be okay. She wasn't quite ready to tell the others yet, but Sel made her truly happy and made her feel things Nick never could.

Isn't it funny how things turn out? Bree could feel Vera's chuckling deep inside her soul- ' It's always the ones ya least expect dear' . She was right there- she had definitely not been expecting that.

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