Bubble Tea

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Bree is allowed to act like a normal person for a few days- catch up with homework, cram for tests, get bubble tea with Alice, and for the first time in months, she's fully relaxed. She still feels pangs of guilt and sadness for Nick, but she tries her best to brush those aside as she knows she will have to face them head on when she has to head back to the Lodge to face issues with the Shadowborn and the Line of Morgaine.

She was heading to English, daydreaming about what flavour of tea she and Alice would try today- brown sugar tapioca probably, until she walks into-

'Sel?!' Oh no.

She completely forgot she would still have to see loads of people from the Order around campus. And here she was, just inches away from Sel. That familiar burning singed her face and she tried not to flinch. It somehow felt even stronger.

'Bree!' He remarked, just as shocked as her. 'I, um, heard about you and Nick. How are you holding up?' he asked, intrigued, but there was a genuine thread of concern in his voice.

'I'm okay, just trying not to think about it I guess. I just, I couldn't do it anymore, I'm too scared to see him get hurt.' Why was she telling Sel all this? It's not like he actually wants to know what happened.

'How's Nick doing?' she asked. Bree did want him to be okay. She just didn't want to ask him herself.

'Honestly, better than I would have expected. But still, he's just been moping about the last few days, and I don't really see that changing unless any business comes up. He really was down bad for you, Bree.' Oh. She knew they felt strongly for each other, but Bree was... distracted. Guilt tugged on her heart once again, and she wondered if she made a mistake.

But then she looked up at Sel, into his beautiful amber eyes, and she already knew she could get lost in them if it wasn't for the deep burning she felt.

His eyes flicked down to her chest briefly and his jaw tensed. He could hear her heartbeat again.

'I, uh, really should get to class, I'll see you later, Sel.' She had to get out of there, fast. She couldn't do this, not so soon.

'Bree wait- take my number, in case you need anything!' He ripped out a page from his notebook and scribbled it down, handing it to Bree. And their fingers brushed, he mind racing back to the night of the trial.

She quickly drew back her arm, 'Thanks Sel, I'll text you later!'

And she sped off, unsure as to where she was exactly going- she had actually already finished class for the day, so she ended up heading for the library.

She knew which part to avoid, what Nick's favourite spots were. Just in case.

She sat down to get on with her homework, but she couldn't quite focus, her interaction with Sel still fizzing away in her mind. Should she just text him now? She decided she would write this essay first and then pluck up the courage to actually do it.

A painstaking hour later, she pulled out her phone and typed in his number.

Bree: Hey Sel! It's Bree- I hope your class was okay :)

That's a totally normal thing to text right? As she was packing her laptop away, her phone buzzed. He replied fast.

Sel: hi bree, class was actually good ty. how's the library?

How did he know that?? She look around and saw him standing in the entry, a beautiful smirk on his lips. She shook her head at him and headed down the stairs towards him.

'I got my timetable mixed up.'


She probably wouldn't end up getting that bubble tea would she?

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