The Trial

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Ryker sulks off the field- he let the dummy get slashed in half by a hellhound. Kit and Tamara were both fighting well, but Kit seemed to have the upper hand on their fake demon. After turning her attention to Tamara, Bree hears a scream come from Kit's area- they were being cornered. Could they find their way out? Kit was about to use what looked like a very impressive spell, when the timer rang.

'Kit Brown and Tara Weathers pass the trial. Corinne Haynes, Theo Darbis, and Marcella Rosing please prepare for your attempt'.

Bree feels a poke in her thigh, and turns to see Nick nudging her

'So? What do you think?

'I met Kit last week, they seemed really lovely, but Tamara performed better- did you see the way she used her magic in combination with her sword?!'

'You can't choose Kit- they really got cornered by the demon, and who knows what would happen to you in that situation! I can't let that happen to you, B' Nick rushed, with something like fear clouding in his eyes.

'I mean, at least they passed- Ryker looked devastated.'

Nick shrugged, and the siren rang again.

Flashes of different aether light the field as they fight the creatures that Sel has conjured up. Bree looks down to see a hellfox, and her stomach twists remembering that night she and Sel got stuck fighting them in the forest, the way her hand got stuck inside one, the way Sel was so gentle and helped her get free from it. She remembers the closeness she felt to Sel that night and how she saw a different side of him. If only she could meet that part of Sel again...

A hand on her knee interrupts her from her thoughts and Nick is heavily concentrating on the fights taking place below. Oh yes, the fights she really ought to be watching.

She glances over just in time to see Marcella panicking and throwing up a flare of aether- the signal to tap out. At the same time, a grating ripping sound comes from Theo's lane. Corinne is the only one left standing and she's powerful. The fake Shadowborn have no chance to even breathe on the dummy- Corrinne is alert and agile, and there is a lot of force behind her aether. It reminds her of her mother's root and how powerful it was to convey a message years later.

After a few more minutes of intense fighting, the siren rings again- Corinne made it.

'Thank you all for your participation in these trials, the selected Kingsmage will be revealed at dinner tonight.' Bree announced to the audience. She and Nick walk back to the Lodge, discussing the outcome:

'So it's between Tamara and Corinne? They're both good, but Tamara was excellent with the daggers and the staff, as well as with her aether...' Nick rattles on, clearly urging Bree to choose her.

Bree tunes him out while she compares them in her head- Nick's right- Tamara is amazing, but there's just something about Corinne- the way her look feels, something so familiar, it's what she needs. She and Nick never disagree, especially about huge things like this, but Bree has to go with her gut here.



'I said you're gonna choose Tamara right?' Nick asks expectantly.

'Actually.. I think I'm going to go with Corinne'

'Because she's like you?' Nick questions, disappointed

'What's that supposed to mean?' She gasps, almost horrified. 'No Nick, because did you see how powerful she was? She used that sword like it's plastic, we need her! I want her on my side.'

'Okay. Sorry.' Nick surrenders, and they walk in silence.

'I agree with Bree here' Sel says, as the Squires and Scions from the Southern Chapter gather round to discuss their opinion.

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