Dances and Whispers

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Bree is slow dancing with Nick, her head on his shoulder. She's enjoying it, she really is, but she's not in the moment. After the orchestra ends the song, she excuses herself to the bathroom, and slips out of the ballroom. She sniffs, trying to find the scent of whiskey and charred cinnamon, which seems to be amplified when he's aether-drunk. She walks through the lodge, and towards his tower. That's weird- he's normally out destroying stuff and being loud when he's aether-drunk. Maybe he's already down from the high and exhausted. Either way, she still wants to talk to him.

She stands outside his door for almost a minute before knocking, adjusting her dress when he opens the door.

'I could hear you, you know. Should'a just knocked straight away Bree.' he slurs, his eyes running up and down her body.

She says nothing in reply, and he grabs her arm pulling her into his room.

'Come in then!'

Aether-drunk Sel is another side of Sel she doesn't see very often, but he always seems blunt and straight to the point.

'Why're you here then?' he asks very impatiently. His tie and jacket have been chucked on the floor and this shirt untucked from his trousers.

'I don't know to be honest. Just wanted to see you.' Bree mutters

'HA! Just wanted to see me- how you've changed Miss Matthews- or should I say Mrs Davis?'

'WHAT! NO? I'm not Mrs Davis' Bree blushes

'You might wanna tell Nick that then.'

Silence settles between them like a familiar friend, both of them searching for the right thing to say.

'You look fucking pretty tonight' Sel murmurs, tucking a piece of his wavy black hair behind his ear.

Oh. So this is what she actually wanted.

'Sel...' Bree whispers.

'I know you're with Nick but I'm allowed to call you pretty right?' Sel rushes, remembering himself.

'Yeahh, I mean that suit really suited you.'

'The all black suit? Good taste.'

They laugh, leaving behind an awkward feeling. That wasn't supposed to happen. It wasn't supposed to feel awkward with Sel.

'I-uh- should go back to the ball, I told Nick I was going to the bathroom. Thanks, Sel.'

'Don't go.'

Her heart stops.


'I don't want you to go. I'm not expecting you to stay, because when have you ever done something I've asked?' He laughs.

'You're drunk.'

'I know.'

'I'm sorry Sel.' she declares before running back to the ballroom.

'You okay B? Why are you out of breath?' Nick walks over, face contorted with worry.

'Oh it's fine, I just had to run up to my room to grab something' She lies, heat rushing to her face.

'Grab what?'

'Uhhh, you know, girl things.' She makes up, hoping he'll question no more. Nick seems to be satisfied as he grabs her hand and kisses her cheek.

'Actually, I was hoping to talk to Alice before she leaves- I'll see you later?' She pushes, nervous to be around Nick right now.

He looks disappointed, but gives her a little wave as she walks over to Alice, who is starting to get tipsy off the free booze.

'Breeeeee!!' She squeals 'You did great up there- also can you find out about Corinne for me, if you know what I mean' Alice winks.

'Ohhh I see you think my Kingsmage is really hot' Bree teases

'Why would you think that?' she smirks back. 'Anyway, why aren't you with Nick right now? Even I can tell he looks gorgeous in his suit.'

'Oh, um, let's talk about that tomorrow' Bree mumbles, wary of where Nick is.

'Oh?' Alice asks worried

'Nothing like that, I'm just working something out.'

'If you're sure!'

Before she can blink, Alice pulls her onto the dance floor, giggling and spinning Bree around. They dance for the next couple songs before Alice collapses onto a chair.

'Hometime for me! Can I call a taxi here?'

'Not really, but I can find someone to drive you home.'

Greer ends up being the only sober driver, and agrees to take Alice back to their dorm.

'You not coming Bree?' Greer asks.

'Sorry Greer, spending the night with Nick.' she replies, before realising the insinuation.

Greer wiggles their eyebrows approvingly before Bree groans as her answer.

'Stay safe kids' they wink before driving off with Alice.

Great. That wasn't exactly what she had in mind for tonight, but now she wondered if that was what Nick was expecting. But they had been together for a couple months now, so maybe it was time?

She walks into Nick's room, while locking Vera and Merlin deep away, to find him changing into his pyjamas, and he looks up alarmed which turns into a grin when he realises who it is.

'Hey B' he smiles, pressing another of his gentle kisses into her lips.

'Hey' she kisses back. And they keep going back and forth until he slides a hand onto her waist, then down her thigh and-

'Uh Nick?'

'Oh sorry B, got a bit carried away.' He apologises, trying to hide his disappointment, again.

'I mean, it's not like I don't want that, I'm just not sure if I'm ready yet.' Bree tries to explain.

'It's okay, I understand.' he whispers, pressing a kiss to her forehead. 'Just kissing is fine too.' he smirks.

And that's what they do. Just kissing. Just kissing until Bree says she's tired, so she changes and cuddle in bed while she drifts off to sleep.

But it's not Nick she dreams of. Instead she dreams of Sel.

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