An Explanation

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They finished up and started wandering back to the Lodge. In between jokes and anecdotes, Nick planted kisses on her cheeks, on her hands, on her lips, causing her brain to go momentarily foggy and heat to rise on her face. She definitely made sure both Vera and Arthur were locked away in quiet rooms just as Mariah had taught her- she didn't want them interrupting this.

When they finally arrived, they collapsed onto Nick's bed 'Sooo...' Nick questioned 'Sooo what?' Bree replied, the butterflies in her stomach quickly changing to something more sinister as she could see where this was going. 'We need to talk about what happened that night. And I know you know what night I'm talking about. It's been almost a month and we still haven't discussed this!'

Bree nods her head and tells him everything- root, being a Medium, her mum, her ancestry, and how this all adds up. But she leaves out one part- her Mum was friends with Sel's. That felt too personal, something that should just be between her and Sel, and she still couldn't tell how Nick would react anyway. That's why she wouldn't tell him, no other reason.

'Wow. Just... wow. You really had no idea this whole time?' Nick asks, though he should already know the answer. She explains the bracelet and the message her mum left for her, and being mesmered as a child. She also remembers younger her crying after hearing all of this, but doesn't think it's necessary to tell Nick. He sits silently for a few moments before enveloping Bree with hug. It's so warm, so needed, that Bree just melts into his arms.

Bree has to ask him. He's been avoiding it. She understands why- it's a whole new sort of grief that Bree can somewhat understand with her familial discoveries- 'How are you taking everything? Like being from, you know, the Line of Lancelot?' She questions, unsure as to whether she should have phrased it that way. He takes a deep breath and loosens his grip on Bree.

'I can't lie to you, I'm devastated. It's like my whole life has been a lie. I can't even talk to my dad about it because of what he did, which just makes it so much worse. And I'm just disgusted that he did that to your ancestors- I'm sorry B I wish I could make it better' She shifts uncomfortably on the mattress, gripping onto the feather pillows. 'I mean, part of me is glad I'm not being called to Arthur- you already know I tried to avoid it. But I would take it any day to stop you from having to carry the burden of being his Scion. God, almost 300 years of our history are.. wrong! How much else is wrong??' Nick cries. After-Bree can feel his pain, she knows it well. She trails light kisses along his jaw, unsure how else to comfort him, and Nick seems to relax. They lay cuddled together for a while, until they are interrupted by a knock at the door.

Bree doesn't need to open the door to know who it is- she can already smell his magic. The whiffs of charred cinnamon and whiskey set her heart pounding. 'Come in' Nick answers, while standing up to make things less awkward for their intruder.

'I was just coming in to see if- oh Bree you're here.' He almost stutters, cringing as he imagines what they might have been up to. He clears his throat- 'Bree, my liege, I need you to come with me, we need to talk about you getting a Kingsmage.' Bree nods like it doesn't feel like her whole body is on fire. His eyes send sparks throughout her, but it feels like it's gotten even more intense recently. She's just gonna blame it on being called and maybe that makes her more sensitive to aether.

Nick starts to protest- he hasn't forgotten Sel's previous vendetta against Bree, but a quick look silences him. 'I'll just talk her through how she should choose one and what she should look for in a Kingsmage, nothing more.' Sel declares, trying to appease Nick. He grunts disapprovingly and moves over to his desk to make a start on his homework.

Sel offers out his hand to help Bree up off the bed, but she pretends not to see it. She mutters some excuse about not needing help, but really she doesn't know what she'll do if she feels the burn of his touch.

He leads her out to the corridor and into a meeting/dining room Bree hasn't been into before, and sits down across a beautiful wooden table, which looks to be made of the same trees as outside the window. Sel is wearing a tight black t-shirt and black jeans, and Bree's mind flicks back to the night when she knocked on his door and he was there topless and his tattoos covered his bod- Stop this Bree!- she urged herself- You're happy with Nick, and he's good for you!

She looks up into his amber eyes, forcing herself not to look away, although all she can feel is fireworks in her eyes. 'Normally, the most powerful Merlin of a generation is bonded to the Scion of Arthur. Obviously, I'm already bonded to Nick, so we're going about this differently. Instead, we'll make the next best Merlins compete and you get to choose.' Sel explains 'For a good Kingsmage you need to look for...' Sel continues, in depth, what a Kingsmage should be able to do and potential Kingsmages they've scouted.

'Wow Sel, you've managed to make it through this conversation so far without making a dig at me. I'm proud of you.' Bree remarks

'Oh trust me, I can change that.' He retorts, trying to suppress a smile. 'Anyway, on Wednesday night we'll be holding a trial for you to watch the hopefuls and you'll have to choose who to oath to be your Kingsmage. I can give you a list now if you want to try and get to know them first.'

He hands over a sheet of paper written in beautiful calligraphy with about 7 names, as well as their phone numbers. She doesn't recognise most of the names until she sees

'VAUGHN? But he hates me?'

'He's after the title- even if he hates you he cannot break the oath. You don't have to pick him anyway, though I would say he is an excellent fighter' Sel quips.

'And an arrogant prick' Bree snarls back.

Sel holds his hands up- he can't risk fighting with their King. He nods goodbye and starts to leave. 'Oh by the way, I'm helping you choose. Just to make sure you don't make a stupid choice.' There it was. Sel winked and walked out the room, chuckling to himself. Just like that the sparks disappear. Is it weird she already misses this burning? She represses this notion and skitters back to Nick's room to salvage what was left of their interrupted date.

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