---> Zane Breaks The Fourth Wall? { REAL Entry III }

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            UGH AUTHOR YELLED AT ME FOR THE LAST UPDATE JESKSBSKSBS. Well, whatever. It's true though, they kinda abandoned me. Anywho, when we arrived at this place, which sadly I didn't even see the name too, man the nostalgia just hit hard. I remember my father used to take me and Ross to this small arcade with those old machine games like Pac-Man, Tetris, and blah blah blah but sadly it shut down a while back before Ross and I came to live with Mario.

            Getting off topic sorry, anyway, Evelyn buys all three of us these game cards which points or something that allows us to play whatever. But as soon as it's in my hands I run off and abandon those two lovebirds. I play the first game that catches my eye. Pac-Man. Classic game and I love it, and from the corner of my eye, I see Ross and Evelyn take a seat at some random table talking about whatever between the two. I smile knowing that they're happy at the moment. Afterward, I try to get to as many games as I can, unfortunately having to add more points to the card like twice but whatever. I've finally got money of my own I can spend.

        Surprisingly I didn't pick any fights here! Or at least not yet. Just wait till Ross and Evelyn leave. Anyway~! I make my way over to a game right? Guess what I see. Concession stand thing. I just so happen to see a Monster Energy Drink in one of their displays. Yeah, self-control fails and I buy myself two along with a large cup of water, then finally make my way over to the candy store here. The variety of sour candies they had was unbelievable. I waste half my money there and while ringing the up the clerk just kept looking at me weird, as if I had just killed someone or threatened them, like. Excuse you?? Rude. Another thing, the lady at the concession stand also looked at me like a weirdo. She questioned me so much and for what? It was just energy drinks, plus I'm like 15 so screw her. Welp, back to the games.

        Ooh! Guess what I also happened to find!! A DARN DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION. It's been AGES since I've played that game! At the moment I wished either Ross or Evelyn was with me so I could play with them but whatever, they're both on a date so I'll be fine. I spend God knows how long playing that game, by myself and sometimes against random people. Oh God, socializing. But as one of the songs finishes I thought I had seen Ross in the small crowd forming around. Turning back around I see it was actually him. Oops l lol. I question where Ev is, he motions to her, I shoo him away, blah blah blah, you already read that the chapter before this. I'm still questioning why he looked so relieved when he saw me though. I don't think he trusts me enough to leave me alone :(

        Which he shouldn't, but it still stings.

            Anywho, final round of DDR before I finish my water and bring hell upon everyone in this place hehe :)
            Sorry Ross <3

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