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Yo! :D

If you're reading this then you'll DEFINITELY have no idea what this au is about. Unless you're the idiot I made this whole book for. Legit they're like the only person who knows about this au...
So here's a little background info!

{Just so you know, almost nothing here is canon to Spooky Month. Most of it is made up by me! Something else I have to out out there is that Spooky Month belong to SrPelo so credits to him}

Another disclaimer; All of this au may not not stay this way as Spooky Month progresses, and I know I'm going to have to change a few things

{Under construction!!!}

An old myth tells the tale of a goddess who goes unspoken of. Her name unknown, nothing really known of her actually. But she was believed to be a daughter of Zeus. From her own home she was banished, expecting never to return, she befriended the stars. People would claim to see her silhouette on the moon, however no one could ever prove it. Years and years went by, and she started growing a feeling of loneliness. She was a curious type so it didn't take long before she left her place within the stars to wonder about the earth. Not long after did she find the love of her life. A simple mortal. He and she spent the loveliest of moments together. She'd managed to open ve hidden within his village as a supposed human. A few years went by, and soon the goddess found she'd soon be a mother! Excitement spread throughout the small town, and although no one was quite sure how, word had gotten to the gods of one of them living amongst humans... But she was banished, why would they care? People say it was simply because she was never meant to be happy. Others believe it could have been jealousy. But back to the point, he found out and he wasn't at all happy.
{ None of that is true to Greek mythology btw, I made it all up for the sake of this au }


Is what you just read relevant to this at all? Yes. It really is.
I'll try to keep this short, but no promises. (Spoiler alert; I didn't. Sorry)
Anyway, Zane(my persona) had been given up for adoption when they were around 3 after being left in custody due to... Issues... with their father. Up to the age of 4 they had no luck in finding a family they could call their own. Miraculously, the day the turned 5 was the day they had been adopted! There was a few doubts here and there, but they surpassed them, and so Zane was adopted. But by who? Oh, lovely people! Jaune and Jack! Ross' parents.

{ A/N } I can already hear some people saying "Jaune already has a husband though!" Which I know. BUT I MADE THIS AU BEFORE THE FIFTH EPISODE CAME OUT AND THIS JUST MAKES SENSE PLUS I CAME UP WITH A BIG BRAIN SOLUTION WHICH I'LL EXPLAIN IN A BIT 😼***

Zane and Ross were similar in many different ways. In looks, interests, and sometimes even their way of acting. There had also been a few coincidences most people found odd, such as the same birthday and even the same thought process? Guess so. Growing up they were inseparable, did almost everything together! It got to the point that their parents started showing slight concern. However they brushed away that concern. People would often mistake them for being identical twins, which is understandable! They looked and acted freakishly alike? Eh, who cares! As long as their happy right?... Right..?
BOOM. You guessed it, there's gotta be a somewhat traumatic(ish) backstory. Ahem. Ross and Zane had nice parents, yes, but parents aren't always perfect now are they? It seemed that Jack might've had too high expectations for his kids.. Especially Zane for some odd reason. He wasn't abusive, oh no no no, would never lay a hand on his children, no insults, no yelling, nothing of the sort. Though, there was the over possessive control of a parent here. {Could count as mental abuse??? Not sure} His expectations were set rather high for all three of his kids actually. Ross, Zane, and wait. A third one?! What the hell happened to them? Oh, I see. It was those same expectations and remarks that drove... Chris? Chris! to leave as soon as he could. See the thing is that Chris isn't quite Jack's son. Mario is biologically the son of a man Jaune was with before she and Jack met and got married.***

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