• II •

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Wait, wh-who told you-!?”  “Oh c'mon. No one, silly! It's very obvious you two have something for each other.”  “Is it really?”  “Oh be for real Ev. You’re my best friend, AND HE’S MY BROTHER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!”


Ross lay in his bed, finding comfort in the dark while replaying the words of Zane from earlier that day in his head. He held a pillow close to his chest, having his face stuffed into it as well. He hummed happily simply letting the thoughts in his head flow. In each one of those thoughts, there was a specific someone. A figure just slightly shorter than him... Long brown hair, beautiful eyes to go with, one hazel green with the other brown, and a sweet yet sly smile resting upon her face. The bare thought of her was enough to make the boy smile. He felt silly, how could someone like her ever love a soul as simple as his? Other doubts such as those began to flood his thoughts, it wasn’t exactly enough to lower his mood, it just made him feel a certain way he didn’t quite understand or enjoy. The silence was interrupted as he could hear the footsteps and an ongoing conversation between his twin and someone whose footsteps nor voice he could recognize right away. It took him a while before realizing it was the one he couldn’t stop thinking about. He rolled over on his bed before sitting up to face as the two he heard walked through the door. 

“Oh boy, we caught the emo just in time!” Zane remarked, playfully, as they flicked the light switch on which seemed to catch Ross off guard as he seemed to kinda flinch at the sudden light shone in his face. Ross stuck his tongue out at his twin in response, them doing the same back at him. The third person in the room giggled at the twins' antics. She looked from Zane to Ross, waving at him “Nice to see you, Ross!” she exclaimed, smiling softly. Ross felt his face heat up a bit. He looked down to the ground while mumbling a hello, barely audible. Looking back up he caught the unamused glare of Zane going from him to the other. “The tension between you two is killing me, anyways, Ross. Evaline's taking me around the city and we wanted to know if you’d like to tag along.” Zane spoke out enthusiastically, their usual smile plastered on their face. Ross’ face lit up the slightest bit, but Zane easily noticed this. “Y-Yeah, sure. I’ll go along,” said Ross, smiling the slightest bit. Evaline smiled, clapping her hands lightly in joy “Oh, lovely!” she exclaimed, “I’ll wait outside so you two can get ready.” She muttered, waving at the two. The twins watched as the brunette stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Immediately, their gazes turned toward each other. One looked worried yet flustered, whilst the other had a smirk on their face. 

Ross knew exactly what Zane had on their mind, and to that, he shook his head no. On the contrary, Zane nodded their head yes, simply to protest against Ross. "No. Zane, no." Ross spoke, sternly. The response he got was a fit of giggles, "Oh why not?! It's the perfect opportunity for you to FINALLY tell her!" They stated, motioning their hand at the door, referring to Evaline, obviously. The short-haired male stood, shaking their head no all over again. "No. No. No! What if she thinks it's too sudden? Wh-What if she says no-?! What will I do then Zane!" Ross panicked as he circled back a d forth about their room. This was possibly the most emotion Zane had ever seen Ross express in quite a while. Finally, they sighed in defeat before cheering up a few seconds later, for they'd just been struck with an idea to appease the both of them.

Walking to him, they placed a hand on his shoulder, getting him to stop walking in circles. "It's just a hangout, Ross, you'll be fine!" Zane reassured him "Plus, if you're worried about all that, this will be a perfect time for you two to get to know each other even more I suppose". They'd known each other for weeks now, so Zane didn't see what Ross was so worried about, but they worried for him at this moment. They smiled softly, patting his back. "Better hurry and get ready, she's still out there waiting" Zane mentioned, quickly motioning their head to the door. Ross sighed before nodding slightly, starting to get his outfit back together.

Not long after the twins stepped out of their room, starting up a quick conversation on their way out the doors of the observatory. Shutting the door behind them, Ross locked the door, for he was in charge of the keys since Zane was to not be trusted with them. He slipped them into his pocket before turning to Evaline. He admired her for a second before being elbowed lightly. "Focus, emo boy!" Zane whispered-shouted. They both made their way to Evaline who'd been scrolling through her phone. "Ready now?" She inquired, receiving nods in response. "Alrighty then, let's go! Oh, and please try to stay near me, I wouldn't want either of you getting lost out there." She stated, before signaling for them to follow as she started walking through the empty field keeping the observatory parted from the city.


{ A/N } I apologize if there's any mistakes or grammar mistakes, I'm very tired sooo yeaaahh, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

|| ★'- La Luna Llena -'★ || Book For A Simp.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ