• VII •

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A similar sense of nostalgia had hit Ross as Zane mentioned before. Walking into the candy store, a smile crept on both his and Evelyn's face. He was surprised to see most bins of candy full, well, except for what appeared to be sour candies. He chuckled and looked at the girl, still holding each other's hands. "So what would you like?" He questioned, smiling softly. The girl alongside him smiled back and turned her attention to the displays of candy ahead of them. Her eyes lit up as she made her way to where the candies were.

      Ross looked at her and couldn't help but chuckle lightly at her giddy smile. She looked around for a bit, mumbling a few words under her breath before pointing to a box she saw that read "Bottle Caps" on it. She smiled brightly, hopping up and down. "Ooh, could I have those, pleeaaassse?" she questioned the boy, continuing to smile. Ross chuckled and smiled as he nodded his head. She dragged both of them over to the wall adorned with shelves stocked with boxes of candy, underneath there were glass bins of different types of candies. Before reaching for the candies Evelyn wanted, both she and Ross looked at all the other candies in front of them. Ross reached for the box of Bottle Caps and handed it to the girl beside him. They walked to the cashier who stood behind the counter, probably checking inventory. They looked up at the two teens standing in front of them with a smile. "What may I get for you today?" The cashier questioned. Ross and Evelyn settled for a few sour candies and hard caramel candies along with the Bottle Caps. When given the total for the candies, the two argued on who would pay, classic, but Ross eventually won that argument. Opening his wallet he noticed he'd somehow gotten twice the amount of money he already carried..? Ah jeez. Anywho, he found a note that read 'Treat her to something nice, you moron' with a little doodle on it. Ross chuckled to himself before turning to the cashier and handing them the money he owed. The cashier handed the boy a bag with the candy, so the two teens made their way out.

      Evelyn showed Ross around the nicer parts of the city as they both munched down on the candy they'd just bought. The two talked and laughed at each other's pathetic jokes, simply enjoying the company of one another. Evelyn dragged Ross around almost the entirety of the city. They went into tons of different shops and silly little stores. Ross, knowing nothing of this city, just followed behind, amused by every little thing they came across. They spoiled themselves with all kinds of sweets they found appealing.

      For the next hour or so, the two walked hand-in-hand, talking about whatever topics they brought up. Evelyn hugged Ross' arm, laying her head on his shoulder. The boy's reaction was entertaining to her. His face flushed a bright red, and for whatever reason, he couldn't look at her without panicking(in gay probably) and looking away within the next few seconds. The shorter girl looked at him and giggled. "You're adorable, Ross~" She mumbled under her breath. The boy smiled at her words. Oh boy, would he cherish this memory for the rest of his life. He chuckled a little before he turned to face her. They'd been through basically the whole city, so as they were reaching the outskirts of it, they decided to take a seat at a bench in a park they came across. The cool soft breeze moved the leaves of the trees and bushed decorating the place. To complement the scenery, there was a sky full of stars above them, the moon lightly visible. It illuminated the place lightly for it was hiding behind a cloud. Lampposts were what mainly allowed Ross and Evelyn and the few people in the park to see properly. Evelyn let go of Ross' hand when they sat down but left her head leaning on his shoulder. The two enjoyed the simple scenery and the company of one another. The girl hummed happily as the boy leaned his head over hers. For the past few minutes, Ross had been cherishing this and the events beforehand.

      For a second, he thought of confessing how he felt to her then and there. Yet he doubted himself, he, again, believed it was still too soon. They've known each other for what, almost a year now? Probably, but his mindset would not change. He eventually came up with a nice and sweet little way to tell her. Not wanting to suffer the abuse of his twin, he finally got himself together and decided to tell her within the next two days. Shockingly, the thoughts of his sibling's teasing and joking insults motivated him. Wow. He cleared his mind and snapped himself back to reality, enjoying this moment.

      Ross and Evelyn sat in silence for a while longer before Ross' phone buzzed, signifying a notification. With his free hand, he reached for his phone to see a text from the one and only, Zane. Apparently, they'd gotten lost, and ended up in some stupid situation, per usual, so they tried to ask Evelyn for help but she wouldn't respond... Typical. The boy groaned in slight annoyance and sat up, looking over the texts a few times. "Everything alright, Ross?" asked the brunette. "No, not really.. Zane ended up lost and can't find their way out of the city," stated the boy, putting his phone back into his pocket, ignoring the notifications after he did. "Oh, oh dear" mumbled Evelyn, propping herself up on the bench. "Yeah, um, they said they'd texted a few times you but you wouldn't answer?" he added, kind of hesitantly. The girl took her phone from her pocket. She swore loudly after seeing the tons of messages and two missed calls from Zane. Ross covered his ears as Evelyn continued to swear. He wasn't accustomed to hearing well, so many vulgar words at a time. Evelyn sighed and buried her face into the palms of her hands. She let out yet another sigh before standing up. Ross stood, staying by her side. "I'm so so sorry, Ross! Today was lovely though, hope we can hang out again another time!" She exclaimed, stuffing her phone back into her pocket. She looked at Ross, seeing his sleep-deprived state. "You should go home and get some sleep," She stated, a tone of worry in her voice. Before Ross could protest, she landed a small kiss on his cheek, leaving the boy a blushing mess. He stood frozen, unresponsive. It made the girl chuckle. "Bye love, see you some other time!" the brunette exclaimed before hurrying out of the park and into the crowded city to find their friend.

      Ross watched as the girl ran off, still standing there like an idiot. After a while, he looked around and even pinched his arm to make sure he wasn't dreaming. He in fact was not. With a smile on his face, he placed his hand where Evelyn had kissed it. His face heated up, it a visible red. He was quickly snapped back into reality by the sound of his ringtone. Seeing it was Zane, he picked up. "Yeah?" "Ross. I legitimately almost died. WHERE ARE YOU?!" The screams of his twin from the other end of the phone startled him, causing him to almost drop his phone. "Jeez, calm down! Eve's on her way to go find you," he spoke into the phone. Zane continued panicking, yelling at their brother who seemed to get lost in his own little world again. "Yeah, yeah.. Just call her and I think you can figure it out from there," he spoke, not listening to a word his twin spoke. The memory of the kiss he'd received played over and over again. "Yeah.. See you later, Zane." He cut the panicked protests from their sibling and muted their phone, wanting a little time to be able to think properly.

      He walked back to the observatory, humming random tunes that came to his mind. He barely made it to the couch before collapsing. He hugged onto a pillow, burying his face into it, kicking his feet up and down, feeling happy. His moment of happiness was soon crushed with dread though. Ross knew Zane would be enraged when they get home, but he had a way of avoiding that. He would end up needing Zane's help for something. FINALLY, Zane's whole cupid act would end. Or at least Ross hoped so.

{ A/N } DAMN 1451 WORDS. AJBSISBS SKSNSN Btw I'm so so sorry this chapter took so long to come out :(
And yes, I had to include Zane. They're too goofy not to. Also, I'm sorry if I made any spelling mistakes. Currently I'm kinda tired and can't think properly jsnsksn
Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! (sorry if it's trash, ik that drawing kind of is though lol) :'D

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