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"I'm better than cupid himself you gotta admit." "Oh shut up, Zane."


"You're welcome~!" Zane slurred out into Evelyn's ear, sending chills down her spine. She turned her head to see a grin on their face as they walked out of the store. Evelyn felt their face heat up. With a sigh, she managed to find the courage to walk to the boy in the beanie. He stood still, looking at her with a red on his face. The brunette eyed him up and down, admiring the view in front of her. They both blushed, not saying a word.

Ross broke the silence, clearing his throat before speaking, "So um, anywhere you'd like to go from here..-?" He questioned, hoping to strike up some sort of conversation. The girl's face lit up as she turned to him, "Oh, there's this pretty cool place I've been meaning to bring you and Zane to!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down before taking ahold of Ross' hand. Evelyn ran out of the store, Ross following, to catch up with Zane. The two caught up with Zane, asking if they wanted to pass by this place Evelyn mentioned. As described to them, it was like a chill hang-out place that had an arcade within the place. The brunette made sure to mention things they knew would make Zane have to go along. Evelyn mentioned silly little charms and sweets sold there such as stupid little toys you could find anywhere, candy, literally any dessert imaginable to them, and something Ross had deprived them of for so long. Everything they needed to make battery acid. Stupid, I know yet it brought a sparkle to Zane's eyes. It was a drink both the twins enjoyed, but with dangerously high amounts of sugar in it, it drove Zane to an insane level of hyperactivity. It also allowed their intrusive thoughts to flow free, and no I don't mean the stupid things such as dying your hair color like pink because "Oh, my intrusive thoughts won haha so silly I know". Oh no, I mean things like wanting to jump off a flight of stairs to see if anyone would truly care, or even burning any person they came across in contact with. I could name worse but I'm far too tired. Too much sugar made their mind go fuzzy, and whatever they thought that'd do. Do this, burn that, whatever. For Ross, it could be the same thing, except that he has a sense of self-control and doesn't load his drink with God knows how many sour candies and whatnot. He had limits set for both of them on the sugar, oh but who's to tell Zane what to do? Anywho, the simple mention of the drink and the sweets made Zane agree to go along. Ross greatly feared for everyone's safety at this point.

Evelyn dragged the twins to this place, still hand in hand with Ross. Zane let the two talks, occasionally butting in at random points for whatever silly reason. While the two conversed, Zane got lost in thought. They did notice the blush on Ross and Evelyn's faces, however, which made them chuckle. Since they were walking behind the two lovebirds, Zane considered pickpocketing Ross, maybe taking a few dollars just to annoy him. Before they could do anything they felt an uncomforting glare resting on them. They looked up to see Evelyn throwing them a death glare from the corner of her eye. They smiled awkwardly bumping into Ross for they hadn't realized he and Evelyn stopped walking. The two twins glared at each other. Evelyn broke the silence "Alright weirdos, we're here just so you know" She stated with a hint of sarcasm. Motioning to the building in front of the three, she noticed Zane's eyes once again sparkle.

From the large windows, you could see most of the entrance part of the floor was black and white tiles, the rest was a grey carpet with random colorful designs on it. The carpeted part had tons and tons of arcade games and such. Outside, on the opposing side in which the teens currently stood, there was a few tables set up, looking somewhat similar to the setup of the cafe they'd visited earlier, except here it was more like a lounge to just relax in. There were a few bean bags and small sofas on the outside. Small groups of teenagers occupied some of these. Everything was lit with lights tinted in all sorts of different colors. Not sure if it was the games, the candy they'd seen, the music, or the colorful lights, but Zane looked like a little kid, their mouth agape as they pointed to every little thing they found cool. Its twin and their friend both chuckled.

Evelyn took hold of Zane, dragging them inside with her free hand. She dragged the twins inside, buying three cards that gained them access to most if not all the games in the place. Dragging them aside, Zane snapped themselves back into reality. "How come you hadn't brought us here before?" They questioned, hopping up and down, unable to contain their silly and unexplainable excitement. Evelyn thought for a second, "Well, you're always up to something and I didn't wanna bother you two" she replied. "Oh no no, whatever we're doing it's probably stupid, is no need to worry about that!" Zane stated a wide smile on their face. The brunette chuckled and shook her head. She handed the now hyped-up kid the cards, "Here, now you can go play whatever your little heart desires" she said, motioning to the array of games behind her. "Just, please don't cause any trouble" she added, on behalf of her and Ross. "No promises, bye!!" They exclaimed before running off. Ross and Evelyn were left standing now, both smiling at Zane's stupidity. "Honestly I'm surprised this made them that happy" Evelyn said, looking at Ross. "Yeah, well, where we used to live there wasn't anything like this. It was a small town so that's probably the reason why" Ross replied. The two continued the conversation, walking to an empty table. They'd look for Zane in a while, for now, they wanted to talk.


{ A/N } This sucks but it's the best I could do, I'm sorry :'(
Again, I'm also sorry this took kinda long to come out. I swear the next chapter will be better, my brain is just dead rn. SORRY AGAIN :(

Well um. It's just now 7 in the morning and legit I have gotten no sleep so Imma tries to get some now lol. Bye~!! :D

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