Chapter 11

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Alina's POV

A/N This chapter is part of the book. I had originally written it where there was just a time skip to the morning of the winter fete, and then I decided to put in part of the book so if you haven't read the book, here it is. I took out where the Darkling kisses her, because endgame is better, less manipulative Darkling. In the movie, when Alina kisses the Darkling first, it takes out some of the manipulation. You can skip it if you know what happens but make sure you at least look at the ending so that you know where the story picks up. But anyways, here ya go.

As the King and the Darkling stepped away to talk, the priest drifted forward

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As the King and the Darkling stepped away to talk, the priest drifted forward. "A miracle indeed," he said, staring at me with a disturbing intensity. His eyes were so brown they were almost black, and he smelled faintly of mildew and incense. Like a tomb, I thought with a shiver. I was grateful when he slithered away to join the King.

I was quickly surrounded by beautifully dressed men and women, all wishing to make my acquaintance and to touch my hand or my sleeve. They crowded on every side of me, jostling and pushing to get closer. Just as I felt fresh panic setting in, Genya appeared by my side. But my relief was short-lived.

"The Queen wants to meet you," she murmured into my ear. She steered me through the crowd and out a narrow side door into the hall, then into a jewel-like sitting room where the Queen reclined on a divan, a snuffling dog with a pushed-in face cradled on her lap.

She was surrounded by ladies in exquisite gowns of petal pink and soft blue, their low necklines embroidered with gilded thread and tiny river pearls. And yet, they all paled beside Genya in her simple cream wool kefta, her bright red hair burning like a flame.

"Moya tsaritsa," Genya said, sinking into a low, graceful curtsy. "The Sun Summoner."

This time, I had to make a choice. I executed a small bow and heard a few low titters from the ladies.

"Charming," said the Queen. "I loathe pretense." It took all my willpower not to snort at this. "You are from a Grisha family?" she asked.

I glanced nervously at Genya, who nodded in encouragement.

"No," I said, and then quickly added, "moya tsaritsa."

"A peasant then?"

I nodded.

"We are so lucky in our people," the Queen said, and the ladies murmured soft assent. "Your family must be notified of your new status. Genya will send a messenger."

Genya nodded and gave another little curtsy. I thought about just nodding right along with her, but I wasn't sure I wanted to start lying to royalty.

"Actually, your highness, I was raised in Duke Keramsov's household."

The ladies buzzed in surprise, and even Genya looked curious.

"An orphan!" exclaimed the Queen, sounding delighted. "How marvelous!"

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