Chapter 5

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As i was killing monsters i saw that Jin killed Kang Taeshik i did want to see Jin in action but okay but i saw that Jin was checking his arm so i said "Jin are you okay?". Jin said "Yeah i healed instantly after getting hurt so don't worry". It wasn't that he was hurt but he did it was the sy.. punishing him for.. so the rule's .. then he got hurt. I said" we meet again Woo Jinchul". He nods at me so i let the story continue. I saw that the girl gives Jin a pink crystal. It was the same one that he had given her before he died.

As i erase my presence i was unaware that Jin already know i was there he will always know i m here he has a system but he did give her the crystal because he wanted to  see her jealous but that was a gamble.

I stare at the people on the ground. Then i said "Who are they?".

Jinho beams as he is saying "They are our teammates for today". It was disabled people. I said "How much are they getting paid for this? Why is their a kid here?". Jinho said "3 million per raid". I stare Jinho as if he's gone insane. Then i whisper "Is this what rich people do for sport". 

But then Jin says "What are you wearing". Then i stare at Jinho and laugh but he says "It's a full set of hardened armor made in an Italian artisan guild and Shine stop laughing ". He then proceeds to say "If we're going to raid with just the three of us, shouldn't i prepare at least this much?". Jin then pokes Jinho lightly, and he falls over. He sighs "Just take the armor off when i'm asking you nicely".

Jinho then tear up "Yes". Then he says "Hyung.. please help me get up". But he still brought the helmet in case. Jinho then runs out of the portal and i walk out with Jin then the people then said" Oh you came back alive?".

"Looks like you ran away successfully". 

"Thank god". 



"Where's the next one?" Jin asked 

Jinho says as he pants" It's about an hour away,". When he calms down he says"Alright, let's move! We have to clear a total of three dungeons today I'm assuming you'll all go considering it's easily 9 million for each of you?".

Then my system pops up and it says"You have gained a new skill".Jin grumbles when he sees my screen he doesn't want her to leave him but all the skills that she has it will be a problem he needs to... so the ski.. then it will come later. I grin at him.

As the three of us cleared the dungeon the final one i said" What's the schedule for tomorrow? I forgot i had something important to do so leave with out me". Jin then looks at me and says"Sure okay". He wants to know what are you up to but he needs to get stronger much more stronger so he could hac.. you're system and mak.. er.. so you won't le.. him alone aga..  

Jinho nods but i saw that today was the day that Jin was supposed to get recruited. Speak of the devil and he shall appear he said"Hunter Sung Jinwoo nice to meet you. I'm the chief of the second department of management at the white tiger guild". A man hands him a name card. 

Jin then says"White tiger guild". So here we are in the cafe again drinking coffee and eating cake then the man said"We want to recruit you into the white tiger guild for twice the amount that Yoo Jin architecture offered you". I snicker. 3 billion won?? Good luck beating that.

Then Jin says"How much is the white tiger guild's building price for you to make an offer like this?". I start to erase my presence but Jin then stares at me so cancel it.

The man says"We're not using all the floors, but it should be around 50 billion that also applies to you, Shine Wolfert".I said "Sorry but i'm not interested in joining a guild".

 As i exit the cafe i didn't notice the look that Jin was giving me it was filled with lo.. so much l.. that i didn't notice that in the harem Jin was placed in an area it was the y.. and the o.. but Jin saw it and er... it so i was not able to see it he did not want me to leave him so soon too soon he has a lot in store for our dear Shine he will follow her to the ends of the world des.. worlds and crea.. new world for her liking he can't have the same thing happen again not after waiting for so long.. too much ay lets go back to our dear Shine okay?.

I stare at the rain, and i pull out an umbrella from my inventory..... soon. The shadows were coming soon. 

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