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After returning from Anesidore, I was greeted by an unpleasant surprise.

Fire and armed comrades in uniform. These guys were not friendly, no, not at all.

Ricardo contacted me. Finally, the connection is working perfectly, since I returned to Sevastopol.

- Get to the observatory. Waits left the credentials so we can go over there...

- There? Me?

- There, to the antenna, to activate it and boost the signal to make contact with Torrens. And yes, we can do it. I'm here at the console, informing you about everything and opening doors that are closed to you, and you activate the antenna on the spot...

I sighed. He was right. I've been in EV suits a few times already, ever since I got into all this trouble. Another small trip to the antenna outside will not be a problem.

But the problem was sneaking through two half-burnt corridors patrolled by armed idiots. I still managed. Compared to hiding from monsters, these companions are almost no problem. I left them to continue patrolling, and I went up the stairs. Towards the antenna-radio receiver.

Ricardo waves to me at a nearby console. Now I remembered! I already passed here the first time when I was going to make contact with Torrens, so I didn't make it, but I made contact with Samuels and found out that Taylor was wounded. Well...unbelievable, now I have the impression that it was a few years ago, not a few hours.

Ricardo nodded to me, opening the door in front of me.

- This is how we will do it. From here I can open a few doors for you that will be locked when you get there. I'll keep you posted on everything, and you tell me if you find out anything new.

- Okay, we'll hear from you. I hope we get out of all this soon.

- Me too. Good luck.

And I left. This time I went through the passage where I once saw an android smashing a man's head into a wall. But now there was no longer a dead man here. Someone picked it up. Who? Androids? No, I couldn't think of that.

I entered the elevator and reminded myself to be careful. Although I haven't seen any yet, the station is certainly full of them. Monsters are everywhere now. I know that now without any doubt. But that's the way it is, right?

exiting the elevator, I was greeted by a pleasant darkness and a wonderful sight of the gas giant through the transparent windows. And a team of several armed guys ready to kill anyone they don't know. They discussed how to contact Torrens because they had noticed him earlier but so far had no success. Well, you won't either, I thought, and I crept towards the antenna department.

It was not easy, but not too difficult either. I made it to the ladder and activated coordinate finding. It took some time, but I got them. 75 A and 35 B. Excellent, first part of the job done. Now I just need to get dressed in a bulky EV suit and manually activate the huge antenna outside.

Soon I was outside, plodding along in a troll-like suit. And the walk was long! I had the impression that I would never reach the console, but I did. I tried to get to the antenna control, but no. It got blocked, so I had to go down a flight of stairs and manually activate a dozen switches. I cursed and went to work. It seems there is only one way to do things properly on this station: the hard way!

Returning to the first console, finally unblocked, I entered the coordinates. The massive antenna begins to move. It was a small earthquake, but it didn't fail. Soon I finally made contact with Verlaine from Torrens.

I didn't waste a moment on redundancy.

- This is RIpley!

- Ripley!

- Verlaine, there's a predator at the station. A being of cosmic origin, extremely dangerous. More than one, there are many copies here in Sevastopol.

- What?

- Taylor and Samuels are dead. Me and my friend Ricardo are trying to escape from the station. Can you bring the ship closer to one of the ramps?

- I could...

She agreed, shocked by everything she found out. We agreed where to meet. I started back. Everything seemed possible, even our salvation. Still, strolling sluggishly back towards the airlock, I saw a monster hopping around the station's outer plating. Damn it! Can these creatures function normally even in the vacuum and cold of space?!?

But he wasn't heading towards me, but towards the small observatory I came through a while ago on my way here. Ahh! What, he wants to give me a welcome? Just my luck!

The first bad sign was when Ricardo did not answer on the radio link. What can that mean? I refused to think about it until I passed the console seat where he was sitting. Maybe the radio isn't working...maybe.

The welcome from the monster was spectacular. He jumped through the window, activating the closure of the weak spot that releases the atmosphere. Those guys from earlier ran in all directions. And indeed, they were brave. They shot monsters, hid, attacked, hid...

But they had no chance. I was the only one who knew that. So after about a minute later I was sneaking around their dead bodies towards the elevator. And then... when the button to leave the elevator was within my reach... there was a cry full of inhuman triumph.

A dark chance 30 paces away turned towards me and broke into a run.

I pressed the button and turned to face the creature. Uh-oh... Will the door close in time? His steps were three times as long...

As if nothing had happened, the creature came to a complete stop in front of the elevator door. I was in shock. Why? I guess it's because the door was closing in his face. But I expected her to at least try to grab me with her tail regardless of the door. No, he's too intelligent. If he knows it would hurt him, and he knows, he will let me escape for the sake of it.

I got goosebumps. He is intelligent, very intelligent...What chance do we have? Me!

Cautiously, but with a quick step, I passed through the corridor. The automatic door opened. Ricardo!

He was still sitting at the console. But motionless. With a face-hugger on his face.

- Ricardo! - I moaned, but quietly. He was unlucky. No!

But whatever it was, routine, getting used to moving and refusing to wait for accidents to happen, I moved on before I could cry. He was a good friend. I liked it. What a shame he didn't get away with it! Come on! But I decided to dismiss all those thoughts. I'll grieve later. I took a deep breath and went down the stairs. I had to go through the burning corridors again to get to the next elevator and continue on, to the ramp where Torrens will land. I had to focus. To begin with, they patrolled here...

But they're not anymore. Instead of dangerous guys, I came across dead people. Killed by bites to the head. Torn limbs. Monsters. They got them!

I slowed my pace. The burning corridors were quiet but eerie. I looked at the motion tracker. Yes...something was moving nearby, but not in my direction.

I continued cautiously, avoiding the openings in the ceiling above me. Tense but mandatory!

And then, just as I saw the elevator to my right, and the door opened in front of me, the creature was there. To my left. Immobile! That's why I didn't see him on the motion tracker!

Fortunately, I was a little sluggish and tired, because my pace was not faster. If I had been two steps closer, he would have reached me. This way I just showered him with fire without mercy from a safe distance.

He squealed and disappeared into the open ventilation space in the ceiling. At the same moment, I already pressed the button on the elevator for the next level. The door closes and I continue my journey.

Verlaine, I'll be there soon!

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