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The elevator opened and I got out, still trembling.

Under the impression of Axel's death, I did not feel well at all.

The creature that killed him...it really wasn't a man, but a monster. Monster. And worse than that, an alien of the worst kind.

However, I couldn't allow myself the privilege of thinking about it, I suppressed it and moved on.

Where to? Find a way to establish communication with the ship.

But now I began to move more cautiously than ever before. With long, silent steps, actively watching the ventilation and maintenance passages above and next to me.

I headed towards the communication center, but someone was there. A woman next to a closed elevator entrance. She was doing something. Trying to open the door? She noticed me and fired a revolver in my direction. I cursed and bent down, and she ran shouting that someone was here.

Bad, very bad.

A shot and a shout. The creature could be here soon. I have to act fast. I appeared in front of the door and tried to enter the elevator. Closed with a frequency padlock. But the frequency tuner was lying at my feet. I picked it up and checked it. Yeah. Burned out drive cell, simple fix. Quickly, I headed up the first free staircase and, crouching down, moved on. It turned out that I had to pass by four armed men, with an aggressive attitude, who were arguing with each other about how to kill me.

- Like us, she is trying to find a way out of here - said the woman.

- You want to risk that assumption with our lives? - replied the first man.

- Well, let's kill her and move on - the woman relented.

- Yeah, let's find her, people. Let's get to work.

So that's how it is. Axel the bald guy was right. People have almost completely gone crazy. Ruthless, aggressive, murderous. That's how the creature works on the rare survivors, I concluded. However, I firmly decided not to be like that. I have never killed another human being, nor do I intend to start today. Although, I will do it in self-defense, but not without thinking. If I meet someone friendly, I won't be like these idiots here. I'll introduce myself and then see what happens next.

I used a flare to get their attention. By the time they figured out where I was, I slipped past them and through the large self-opening door.

Not a moment too soon, because I heard bullets behind me.

A wonderful view of the station, the planets and the sun appeared to me through the large window, but I did not stop for a moment. Behind me, people started arguing whether to follow me or not. So far I have concluded that they argue about everything.

Where am I going? Passing through the long half-lit corridor, I knew that I really wasn't safe. But the console in the lighted room gave me hope... until a huge gray creature with smooth curves rushed into the inner corridor of the room. My heart stopped in my chest.

I was frozen for a moment. It took me a while to realize that the creature had gone further down the ventilation ducts. Ha...will it be like this all the time, I wondered. While I'm at the station, every few moments I'll hear the sounds of movement near or far and wonder if it's what I fear it might be?

I frowned and continued on. Whatever awaits me, I will face it. If it's death, so be it, but I have no choice. I'll do my best. Because I have no choice. Either allow yourself to be careless or proceed cautiously. Yes, I can do this.

In the next few minutes, luck served me. I found a card to open a nearby electronically locked door, a loaded revolver with six bullets, and a room with a flight recorder from the Nostromo.

I was hoping for answers, but nothing. The data was corrupted. However, maybe someone from the station copied them and spoiled the original after recording? That was my last hope. However, finding the drive cell for the frequency tuner made me realize that I no longer cared much about the flight recorder and the response regarding the Nostromo and my mother. Surviving was the most important thing. And not to mention the thought that started spinning in my head, which told me that the Nostromo met this terrible creature in the depths of space...

Using the frequency tuner to open several electronically locked doors was ridiculously easy. Mark a few old-fashioned symbols with rubber bands in a few seconds and that's it.

In the nearby boxes, I found several elements from which I can later create tools to distract creatures or armed men...

Finding the console to deactivate the lockdown (which started roaring around me), I activated it without thinking. And look... two meters in front of the console was a ventilation duct and the creature started to crawl out of it.

I bent down and crouched. One, two, three...a long, skeletal tail with a surreally sharp scorpion's tale-like sharp tip stretched out next to me. I didn't even dare to breathe. Very slowly, the tail retreated. I was waiting. Then I moved and looked behind the console. The creature moved forward with a firm, slow step into the next chamber. This time I saw it in its entirety. Even more horrible and disgusting than I thought. Long, elongated head like some giant swollen alien dick...

But that didn't bother me at all, it just horrified me even more.

Having a head that looks like a giant space penis must be scary. Does it have brains? And the thought that alien probably had a huge brain in that penis-head seemed awful to me. It is easily possible that the being is extremely smart, and this reduces any chance of survival for all of us many times over...

I repressed all thoughts about my terrible situation and moved on. Armed with a revolver, a frequency tuner, and distraction supplies, the only thing left for me to do was go back and try to get past those jerks into the elevator. It won't be easy.

But it was too easy, which was also horrible to see. When I returned to the upper level of the large room with the elevator (which was one level down) I had the opportunity to see the creature in action. People screamed and shot at it, but it just jumped on them and finished it off with one bite. Bullets were hitting and wounding it, but it didn't seem to slow it down at all. Alien's gray body, full of strong, slender limbs, would flash a jet the color of engine oil and start smoking when it's bloodntouched the floor. The acid that eats through everything, I realized. Terrible.

All four armed men were dead in a few seconds. The creature stopped and seemed a bit hesitant to walk around. Is it looking for someone? Does it assess the situation? Maybe alien gloats over the killed?

Earlier than I would have expected, it crawled into the ventilation duct and moved on, which I clearly heard.

Alright. With a firm, silent step, I just went down and headed for the elevator door. Electronically locked as before. I connected the frequency tuner to them and started unlocking electronically. It lasted a few seconds like before, though it seemed like an eternity. Thoughts swarmed my head. What if a creature rushes in from somewhere and I didn't open the door in time? Or if it is watching me from a distance right now? For alien, is this just the hunt of a cruel hunter for his frightened prey?

The elevator door opened and I got inside. Maybe too fast and too loud, but without wasting a single moment I pressed the button to go to the next level - to the communication center (it was clearly above the button). Excellent, that's where I need to go! The elevator doors closed, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

The hunt has begun, I thought for some reason, imagining myself in the position of a disgusting space creature. I shook and dismissed that thought. This station makes people crazy! Just to get out before it's too late for me too!

Alien: Isolation (1st POV Ripley Edition)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें