
Start from the beginning

In the little time I've known her, I'd never seen anything affect her as much as now. Mr. V's words must have really cut deep...


"Why can't I go back?" I asked in the car. I looked over at Vincenza, sitting next to me in the backseat. She looked over at me and sighed as if she didn't want to answer the question. I turned my head back towards the window.

"They let me take you without a fight. They have something bigger planned, something more dangerous. I'd rather you not be in it. You'll only get in my way." I heard her finally speak.

"Ouch. I didn't mean your home. My home, before you kidnapped me. You know, with my family and friends." I explained.

"Oh. Yea, I can't do that. You might go snitching to the feds." she voiced. "I won't. I promise." I assured her. "I can't take any chances." she stated. I sighed in disappointment and sadness. Vincenza looked over at me.

The rest of the ride was very silent.

Vincenza left shortly after we arrived at some hotel. She said she had to handle some business.

I decided to take this time to catch up on sleep. I was becoming so drained that I began to fall asleep faster than ever before. At certain times I feared my life but I craved sleep more.

When I finally woke up, I decided to shower. Vincenza was still nowhere to be found.

I was almost done showering when I felt the same eyes as before watching me. I quickly finished showering. I then grabbed my towel and wrapped myself in it. I walked around the dark hotel room, holding my towel up.

Again, there was nobody in sight.

"Shit!" I jumped as I watched a tall figure approach me from the kitchen area. "No clothes?" Vincenza looked at me concerned.

"I just got out of the shower. You should know that. I know you're the one that watches me while I'm showering." I expressed. Vincenza looked at me utterly confused.

"Um, if I wanna watch you shower, you'd know. I wouldn't creep around. If I wanted to see you that bad, I'd shower with you. Besides, I have better things to do than watch you like a virgin pedo." she explained.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes. I walked back towards the bathroom to get dressed. "By the way, I would never let you shower with me. We will never shower together." I emphasized.

"Yea...we'll see." I heard her mumble as I shut the bathroom door.

I finished getting dressed quickly and walked out of the bathroom. I was startled by Vincenza waiting in front of the door. "What?" I asked once I noticed she seemed uneasy, bothered.

"Did you move my bag?" she instantly questioned me. "No, what bag?" I wondered. "I had a bag of...stuff. It was under the bed. I would think you'd know better than to-" I immediately cut her off.

"It wasn't me. I didn't even know you had a bag in here. I've been sleep up until now." I assured her.

She paused in her thoughts for a moment. "Come on." she grabbed my arm. "What are we doing?" I questioned as we left our hotel room.

"Are you sure someone was watching you shower?" she asked me as we walked down the steps. "Yes. I know what I felt." I confirmed. We walked into the security and camera room.

"Can I help you?" a younger man asked. "Show me the security cam footage from the last 30 minutes." Vincenza demanded. The young man looked at her in disbelief. "You're- you're Vincenza." he pointed at her. "Yes, now show me the footage." she repeated.

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