chapter 17

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(Still geages pov)

I press the call button,after a few rings he picks up,we talk for a bit and plan to meet up. I text eddie to let him know that ill be out for a bit but he doesent answer.

I get in my car and drive to the meet up place.


I was in my last meeting, it was around 10pm and I haven't got to text geage yet, I had meeting after meeting with investor's and I had to help my new employee.

After my meeting I checked my phone. ' no messages from geage...wired' I tried to call him but no answer, I texted him on my drive home.

                               water boy💙


                                                                Eddie Hey, I'm on my way home, just letting u know.

I got home and opened the door, calling geages name, no answer.  I looked in his room. Not there. Looked in my room. Nope. I check the kitchen. Not there either. I heard the faint sound of the TV so I rush into the living room.

The TV was on and geage was curdled up in a ball on the couch, I look at his face to see dried up tears. I shake him awake gently, he opens his eyes and looks at me " Eddie..?" Geage whispered " I'm right here, what happened?" He hugged me, and dragged me on the couch with him.

He started sobbing, I was confused, I rubbed his back trying to calm him down.   "hey...what happened?" I asked in a soothing voice.

And he started explaining. Making my blood boil the more he told me.

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