3/ I beg your fucking PARDON ?!

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Bakugo's pov : 11 am the same day.

I was in my room after installing everything.

My bedsheets were black, and my pillowcases white. On the bed, there are three warm and heavy blankets so I'll never be cold.

Cold is my enemy.

On the desk, I placed my school stuff like pencils, pens and other things.

On the bookshelf just above were the books I was reading, and school's books.

In the two last drawers I put my drawing stuff and two other blankets.

Did I say that I hate being cold ?

The first drawer contains my anxiety pills and fidget toys, cuz it's always helping me when I have a panic attack.

In my night table drawer my sleeping pills, a flashlight and some snacks. On it, there is a lamp.

On the bookshelf above my bed, there is my favorite manga collection.

I don't want my mom to find out about them, and I know that nobody will come in my room unless I allow them. Or unless they've got a death wish !

After everything was at its place, i just let myself fall on my bed, in a starfish position, looking at the ceiling.

I looked at my phone. 12:12.

Welp... Guess it's time to go cook.

I walked to the elevator and went to the first floor.

Then I received a text.


Hey bro, u come ?  Lunch's ready !

Hu. Someone already cooked. I hope it's Deku. His cooking is almost as great as mine.

I sat down, and noticed that it was Chili Con Carne. One of my fav foods.

"Here Kacchan, I made another bowl of sauce with spice in it for us !" Smiled this damn nerd, making my heart flutter.

Okay, I'm happy now.

I saw him taking four big spoons of sauce, before giving the bowl to me.

Of course, Pinky wanted to taste.

I laught.

"Why are you laughing ?" She asked me, confused.

"I recommend you to first smell it before you taste it." I smirked.

Raccoon Eyes frowned.

" If you two can eat it I don't know why I couldn't. " She said, huffing.

Hah. You definitely didn't learn your lesson. You should know by now that me and Deku fucking love spicy food.

She still smelled it. Her face was priceless !

" Holy mother of Jesus ! Woah Midoriya ! What did you put in it ? My throat hurt just by smelling it ?! "

The class stopped talking and looked at the freckled boy.

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