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Nathaniel’s POV

Aaliyah and I stayed in Alisa’s home. After everything she did to us, I didn’t think she would try to kill herself. Aaliyah has been a crying mess after the trial;  she made it a point to bury Alisa. She still loved her after what she had put us through.

“ Nathaniel!” Aaliyah called out to me.

“ Hey, I’m here. I brought some food. Let’s go down and eat,” I said.

“ I don’t want to get out of this bed. Can you please bring it upstairs?” She said as her eyes prickled with unshed tears.

“ Come here,” I wrapped my arms around her as she burst out into tears.

“ I thought I would feel better when she's no more but I was wrong. I miss her so much,” She said.

“ It’s going to be okay,” I told her.

“ Hey, I’m sorry but someone would like to meet you guys,” Priscilla said as stepped into the room.

“ Alright, Mom. We will be there in a minute,” I said.

“ Who could that be, Nathaniel?” Aaliyah asked.

“ I can’t tell unless we go downstairs and see who it might be,” I told her.

“ Okay ” She mumbled.

We stepped out of her bedroom and descended the stairs.

“ Mr. Patrick, it’s good to see you. What brings you here?” I shook his hands.

“ I’m here because of you two,” Patrick said.

“ I hope it’s nothing to be worried about?” I asked him.

“ No, son. After the trial, I was devastated. When I was diagnosed of lung cancer, the doctor said I had few months to live. I entrusted everything I had to my daughter, Justina instead of Kristen because she was cheating on me with my brother. I met with my lawyer few weeks ago and we made some changes to the will. Nathaniel, I have seen how much you love Aaliyah and because of that I entrust all my properties to the both of you, ” Patrick said leaving us in a state of shock.

“ Mr. Anderson, this is just too much. I don’t think we can accept it,” Aaliyah replied.

“ Yes, Patrick,” I told him.

“ I know but I’m still going to give it to you. You two deserve it. My lawyer will be here very soon so that you can sign the papers,” Patrick stated.

The doorbell rang before I could say another word.

“ Good day, I’m Daniel Miller. Mr. Anderson’s lawyer,” The man said.

“ Did you bring them, Daniel?” Patrick asked.

“ Yes, Sir. Here they are,” Daniel placed the document in Patrick’s hand.

“ Thank you, Daniel. I know this a tough decision for you guys. I already spoke to your parents about it. I had to make them understand that I wanted the best for you two. Aaliyah, you been my daughter’s best friend meant a lot to me. It made me happy when she was with you. For Justina’s sake, please accept this. There is no one I can entrust my life’s work to than to you.  So, what do you say or do you need some moment to think this through first?” Patrick said.

“ No, Patrick. I thank you for trying to help us. I think Nathaniel and I will never forget it. We promise to take good care of your business. It wouldn’t be easy for us since we are quite young, but I know we will work this out together,” Aaliyah said as she held my hand and gazed at me with a smile.

“ What about you, Nathaniel?” Patrick asked.

“ I accept it, Patrick,” I answered.

“ That’s great. Daniel, please give this to them so that they can sign it,” Patrick said.

After we signed the papers, my mom and dad decided to share a surprising news.

“ We are getting married!” They said in unison.

“ Congratulations!” I hugged them.

“ Congratulations to you guys,” Aaliyah hugged them as well.

“ It’s good to see you smile again,” I whispered into her ear.

“ Yes, Nathaniel. Thank you for being there for me. You are simply the best,” She told me.

“ You are always welcome. Can I ask you something?” I said.

“ Yeah sure,” She responded.

“ Will you be my girlfriend?” I held her hand in mine.

“ What if I said no?”  She placed her arms around my neck.

“ I won’t accept it anyway,” I answered as I pulled her closer to me.

“ Then it’s a yes,”  Aaliyah smiled as she leaned over and kissed me.

My lips covered hers in a long passionate kiss that left us short of breath. 

“ I love you, Nathaniel,” She said with a smile.

“ I love you, Aaliyah.”

This may be the end but it was just the beginning.

The End.

Thank you for choosing the story. ❤️

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