
"Hakkai, darling! How're you feeling?" Mitsuya entered the hospital room and grinned at seeing Hakkai alive smiling back at him. "Taka-chan! Hi! I'm feeling okay, just tired." The model's voice was hoarse and he looked a bit pale, but other than that Mitsuya could see he was pretty much alright. "Aw, have they been feeding you well?" The older asked as he held Hakkai's hand. "Actually, the food's pretty good. Not what I'm used to, but it's not nasty." He confessed and turned his head to look at the lilac-haired.

"Well that's good. I wanted to apologize for how I acted yesterday, you were being sincere and I was being a bitch about it." "Taka-chan, it's fine. Life's too short to dwell on the past, we should only focus on the future." The model smiled and closed his eyes. "Oh, that's what I was thinking too. Look at us thinking alike! I always knew we were meant to be." Mitsuya said and gently brushed Hakkai's hair out of his eyes. "Do you actually think that?" He asked, opening his eyes and sitting up slowly. "Why, of course. Mitsuya and Hakkai forever, right?" The older grinned and squeezed the model's hand.

"Well then, will you be my boyfriend?" "What?"

"Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!" Yuzuha screamed as she ran into the room, the nurses in the hall had to shush her. "Say yes Takashi! Say yes! I've always wanted another brother!" She was ecstatic and Mitsuya didn't even answer the question yet. "Um.." "Nee-san, don't pressure him into saying yes. I didn't say yes when given the opportunity so this is me just shooting my shot." Hakkai told his sister while Mitsuya sat there astonished.

"Right, sorry Takashi. Take all the time you need." She ruffled the fashion designer's hair and stood by the door waiting for his answer. "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this. Of course I will Hakkai!" Mitsuya stood up from his seat beside Hakkai's bed and kissed his cheek. "Hey, no kiss on the lips?" Hakkai pouted and  the older blushed. "Hakkai, Yuzuha is right there." "Like she hasn't seen us before." The injured model deadpanned. Mitsuya couldn't argue with that statement, so he leaned in and gave the younger a quick kiss. "Taka-chan," He whined and reached up but Mitsuya shook his head and playfully tapped his lips. "Not until you're healed and out of the hospital." Hakkai huffed and crossed his arms over his chest which made Mitsuya giggle. "I love you Hakkai." "I love you more Taka-chan." "I think that I love you more though," Mitsuya raised an eyebrow and grinned.




"Gahh! You guys are finally dating? Only took seven years," Chifuyu was over the moon for the new couple, but he was always one to never pass up the opportunity for a jab at sarcasm. "Hah, funny. We made it official last week!" Mitsuya went into more detail with Hakkai adding in bits and pieces where they were he felt like he wanted to participate in the conversation. Other than those moments, the model just stared at Mitsuya as if he'd hung the stars in the sky. He was so infatuated with him and it showed, their friends all collectively found it adorable.

Mitsuya and Hakkai had to avoid possibilities of scandals and controversy, so they'd avoid being super obvious when they were in public together, or on the media. Neither of them had the mental capacity to deal with a scandal at the moment. Yuzuha was thrilled about their relationship and kept convincing her brother to send small gifts over to Mitsuya's workplace, and Mitsuya's did the same for him to do the same thing in return.

"Mitsuya-san, you've got another package from your lover! I think it's a pair of shoes that this time!" One of Mitsuya's coworkers called him one day and he raced downstairs. "There's a stuffed hedgehog today too!" "Aww, it must be because I said I wanted one, that's so sweet of him." The fashion designer smiled as he accepted the gift from his coworker and took a seat to open it. It was, in fact, a pair of customized sneakers that were the color of Mitsuya's hair. "How sweet! I wish my husband would send me gifts almost everyday like this!" Another one of Mitsuya's coworkers came over to look at what he received. "Guys, Mitsuya-san's got a new gift from his lover!" One of them called out and prompted the other's to come over and see. "Wow!" "Those look crazy expensive, is your lover a sugar daddy?" "Of course not, let's be rational here! Mitsuya-san would never have a sugar daddy! Right?" "I doubt it!" "Isn't he dating a model?"

Suddenly the room with quiet with shock but Mitsuya was still admiring his gift. "Huh? What was said, I wasn't paying attention." "You're dating a model Mitsuya-san?!" Someone squealed and a wave of cheers and applause erupted in the workplace. "Haha, where'd you guys get that idea from?" The designer smiled at the group as he gently set the shoe back in it's box. "I read a column about it in a tabloid! Though now that I think about it, it was kinda flakey with the evidence." Mitsuya chuckled and closed his shoebox.

"Oh? Well, they're not wrong. I don't suppose they've guessed who it was though, have they?" He asked as he typed a message to Hakkai to tell him thank you for his gift. "Well, they speculated it was a Haitani or some other super popular guy." "Gross, never a Haitani. I made that mistake once and won't ever again." The lilac-haired laughed and gathered his gifts to take back upstairs to his studio. "How about this, the first person that guesses who it is, I'll give fourteen hundred yen." "Oh wow!" "Deal!" "Mitsuya-san's so cool!" "I'm so gonna win this!"

Mitsuya laughed and walked away to continue his work. He doubted they'd guess anytime soon.




"Hakkai Shiba!" Mitsuya's closest coworker declared and he was taken aback, to say the least. It was only a few weeks since they'd made a deal and he hadn't expected anyone to get it to just give up. "Well, how'd you come to that conclusion?" Mitsuya smirked as he pulled out his wallet. "I noticed that his sister comes over often, but I know that she's not your manager. We had lunch together one day and she talked about you and her brother a lot. So I just guessed it was him. Unless it's her?" She explained and reconsidered her proclamation. "Nope, it's Hakkai, Yuzuha's brother. Both Shiba's. Well played, here's your fourteen hundred!" Mitsuya grinned and handed her the cash.

"Oh! My! GOSH! Guys, I got it right! I got the money! We should all split it!" She squealed as she ran out Mitsuya's studio. The fashion designer laughed to himself as he followed her downstairs. "Congratulations!" "Great job!" "Let's go for drinks after work today!" "Who'd you guess?" "Hakkai Shiba!"

"Speak of the devil!" Someone said as Mitsuya stepped off the final stair to the first floor. "Huh? Hakkai's here?" He looked up at the glass door to see his boyfriends' tall figure with blue hair peeking out of his beanie and shades on. "Oh my goodness, we finally get to meet him as Mitsuya-san's partner!" One of them jumped with excitement as Mitsuya went to open the door. "Taka-chan! Let's go get lunch!" Hakkai wrapped his boyfriend up in a hug and waved to his coworkers! "Hi Hakkai-san!" "Congratulations on your relationship!" "I want to be a VIP at the wedding since I guessed you two were dating!"

"Oh! Someone already guessed it?" Hakkai chuckled and shook her hand. "Well, good job!" "We're planning on having drinks after our shifts today, would you two like to join us?" A guy asked, nodding to Yuzuha who was walking towards the door. "Ah! That sounds lovely, I'll have to ask my sister! Once I figure out how she found me..." The model chuckled sheepishly and Mitsuya shook his head. "Did you sneak away from your work again? No wonder you seem so fidgety!" Mitsuya poked him in the arm.

"Hi Takashi, hello ladies and gents, and Hakkai." Yuzuha's eyes landed on her brother in a glare. "We can have lunch at a later date darling, you can't skip out on work!" Mitsuya hugged his lover and sent him along with his sister. "I'm still down for drinks later, and I'll drag my sister along as well!" Hakkai told the group and ran to follow his sister back to the car, since he snuck onto the bus. "You guys suit each other really well!" "We're so happy for you Mitsuya-san!" "They're the definition of true love!"

And that, they were. True, reciprocated, unconflicted love. Soulmates, even. They were meant to be together, though it took time for them to realize. A beautiful couple that fit each other. Where one lacked, the other was there to fill. Like the stars and the moon. Whether you could see them or not, they were always there.

A/N: thanks so much for reading this chapter and story ! remember to stay safe and hydrated ! comments, shares, and kudos are always appreciated ! have an amazing day/night !!

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