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A/N: hi ! i hope you enjoy this chapter ! thank you for reading !! 💜💙

"Taka-chan, I seriously don't feel like doing anything today." Hakkai whined as he and his companion walked the streets of Harajuku looking for something to do. "Hakkai, I drove all the way here to buy fabric if I'm being honest. But since it's your birthday as well, I'll buy you anything you want." Mitsuya smiled at the birthday boy and walked across the street despite the oncoming traffic. Jaywalkers. "What if what I want doesn't cost anything?" Hakkai asked timidly. "Well, that's kinda odd because almost everything costs money nowadays." Mitsuya answered, not catching onto what the model was trying to get across.

"So, it costs money to kiss the most beautiful person walking the streets at the moment?" The taller stopped walking and waited for realization to hit the older. Spoiler alert: It didn't. "Well, probably. Someone of that caliber would most likely charge. Well actually no, anyone would be elated to get a kiss from you." He ran off the mouth as he entered the fabric store. The younger sighed and shook his head, deciding to try again later on.

He walked aimlessly around the store while Mitsuya went ahead to buy the fabric he'd came for. There were so many patterns, colors, textures, and materials to choose from and it made the model wonder how the designers settled a specific one for each clothing piece.  As he examined the rows of fabrics Mitsuya was purchasing the fabric for his next piece that Hakkai would model in an upcoming fashion show. He'd been hyped about it for the past few weeks but once he got swamped with work it flittered to the back of his mind.

"I should've gotten this last now that I think about it, I don't feel like carrying this around the district." Mitsuya groaned as he went to find Hakkai who was reading the names of the materials. "Hakkai, I got the fabric!" He called to him as he turned down the aisle he was on. "Okay, I'll be out in a second." He said in response without looking up. "M'kay," The designer hummed as he wondered what he was doing while walking to the entrance of the store. Hakkai was making a mental note to come back to this exact store to buy his companion fabric for his birthday.

"Alright, I'm ready to go now." He told the older who nodded and held the door open for him as they exited the store. "So, do you wanna go anywhere?" Mitsuya asked, hoisting the bolts of fabric onto his shoulder. "Home, but I do have a craving for cake before that." Hakkai was looking across the street at a small bakery. "Okay, I approve of that decision!" The older nodded and shifted the fabric to the other arm and checked the time. 16:42, his party was scheduled for 20:45, so what could he do to stall till then?

"Ah, nee-sans' calling. I'll catch up in a second." Hakkai told him and stopped by a building a bit shops away from the bakery. "Alright, I'll wait on the bench over there," the lilac haired pointed at a bench a few feet away and went to sit down, occupying himself with trying to find something else to do while he was on Hakkai duty. "So nee-san wants to have lunch. For my birthday or whatever, which is weird since it's close to early evening and she's never been big on birthdays." Perfect, it'll probably take two hours off the countdown, and Yuzuha will probably want to do something after so it'll work very conveniently.

"Well, I'll buy you a cake and then drop you off to meet up with her." Mitsuya grinned and swung an arm around the taller's broad shoulders. "Huh? You should tag along! I want to spend time with you still," The younger frowned and looked at his best friend who was looking at him with a somewhat shocked expression. "You should spend some time with your sister! Besides, I wasn't invited so it'd be rude to just show up unannounced," The older chuckled and waved a hand dismissively.

"Bullshit, nee-san would love to see you after so long. I think it's been a month since you guys last saw each other." Hakkai insisted as he entered the bakery alongside the lilac haired. "Well, I think that you should spend time with Yuzuha on your birthday! You're one year older, she might have a surprise for you!" Mitsuya nudged him with his elbow teasingly and Hakkai rolled his eyes. "Nee-san doesn't exactly do surprises, unless it's a surprise gig. I've been asking if we can get a cat since forever and still haven't gotten one. So unless it's that or my Ma', which isn't even possible, it can't be that great." The model shrugged and gazed over the rows of pastries and delicacies.

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