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School has been on my ass, plus my extracurriculars. I literally have no time for myself anymore so I'm sorry 😔 ! Please take this very mediocre (sorry) chapter as an apology . 😕

The first half of his work day dragged by slowly, and the continuous clock checking every few minutes did not help the time pass any faster. Flash after click and click after flash. Over and over again. For the past three hours. Click; flash. Click; flash. Cli-

"Let's take five! Please recollect yourself Hakkai-kun." The photographer sighed and scratched his hair that was beginning to grey and recede from aging and stress. It reminded him of how Draken's hair was starting to grey already. "Yes, sorry." The Shiba apologized and sheepishly shuffled off to find his sister who was not very happy with his performance, and even though she didn't say it her furrowed eyebrows, scrunched up nose, and narrowed eyes certainly did.

"Why're you so distracted, you literally requested to start swimsuit modeling. You can't mess up on your new clothing genre debut." Yuzuha huffed and handed her brother a croissant with a frown upon her lips. "I know nee-chan, I just can't take my mind off Taka-chan." "What, is he sick?" The older sibling asked with a mouthful of bread. "No, we ju-" "Oh my gosh, you two totally went at it!" Yuzuha squealed and gulped down the rest of her pastry. "Shh, not so loud nee-chan. We didn't even go all the way." "Doesn't matter, you guys finally connected lips and that's a step forward." She concluded and pat her brother's shoulder.

"Um, okay...but it was really awkward this morning not gonna lie." Hakkai admitted as he mindlessly began to chew on his fingernail. Yuzuha took his hand away from his mouth and gave him a knowing look. "That's not the only thing bothering you, is it? You seem extra distant and distracted today." She gave him a soft, inviting smile, letting her brother know that she was there for him to confide in. "Well, that's not all-"

"Excuse me, the five minutes are up guys." One of the editors spoke softly as they peeked around the corner. "Ah, thank you! We'll have to continue this discussion later I suppose." Yuzuha sighed and adjusted her hairpin. "Yeah, duty calls," Hakkai forced a smile and went to continue the shoot with a more positive attitude after talking to his sister a bit.

"There's the model face we've been missing! I guess that small break has rejuvenated you enough?" The photographer questioned as he returned to his post. "Yes, I think I was only hungry. I don't function well without food in my system." The model chuckled as he hung his robe up and prepared himself to overexert himself in front of the camera yet again up until lunch break. More clicks and flashes, and flashes and clicks. Try a new pose here, make this facial expression.

Over and over and over, again and again again.

"Hakkai, I'll help you! With realizing how amazing you are!"

Mitsuya's voice snapped him out the loop, the cycle that he kept repeating. "Taka-chan. I love you,"

"I love you too, but I'm not your hubby." Yuzuha chuckled as she drove to Mitsuya's design studio. "Huh? Was I dreaming?" Hakkai was genuinely confused as he looked around and checked his phone for the time yet again. "To hell if I know, you were out of it since our last break. You did well though, but it was as if a robot took over your body or something," The older Shiba sibling recalled and glanced at her brother. "What's been going on in your mind kid?" She asked with genuine worry in her tone and on her face.

"I fucked up nee-chan. Badly," Hakkai groaned and rested his head in his palms. "Hm? How so?" Yuzuha asked as she pulled into the parking garage. "I should've just said that I reciprocate Taka-chan's feelings all those months ago! I seems so backwards to just go up to him and ask him to be my boyfriend." He whined and moved his blue hair out of his face. "Hm, you have a point. You'd have to have some damn audacity to say that, but maybe that's what he's waiting for?" The older Shiba shrugged and squeezed her brother's shoulder comfortingly with a smile on her face.

Layers ~MitsuyaxHakkai~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin