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A/N: hope you guys enjoy this chapter . updates are gonna roll out slow bc i'm going on a trip and practice has started back up . :,)
( is currently on the trip posting this chapter on wattpad 3 days later-)

"Yeah, I understand now."


The three of them were all questioned and gave enough evidence for the case to be taken to trial. Mitsuya wasn't too sure how he felt about having to see his assailant anytime soon, or ever again, but he had roughly two months until court. He'd just push it to the back of his mind. Induce amnesia.


"I'll see you two later, I have a date!" Yuzuha told the duo and waved. "With the cop?" Mitsuya asked and Yuzuha shook her head. "Cute guy I met on the trip. Anyway, see you guys! Love ya, no babymaking!" She grinned and left. Hakkai rolled his eyes and looked over at Mitsuya who was blushing a bit at that statement. "Hey, Hakkai?" The older started, avoiding eye contact with his friend. "Yeah?" The model caught his gaze and smiled. "Um, thank you. For, y'know, fulfilling my request. About the not panicking? Yeah, it helped a lot." Mitsuya said and broke their eye contact. "Of course, you know I'd do whatever in my power to make you feel at ease." Hakkai told the shorter and ruffled his hair.

"I appreciate it a lot, you really do a lot for me. I don't even deserve it," The older chuckled but was taken aback when Hakkai wrapped him in a hug. "Don't say that Taka-chan, you've done so much for me ever since we met and for that I couldn't thank you enough." He told the shorter man and glanced down at him to see a single tear roll down his cheek. He was currently being overdramatic, but it's Mitsuya. "Awww, I didn't know you felt that way about me! Are we going to kiss now?" He joked and Hakkai rolled his eyes. "And moment ruined." He released Mitsuya from the hug and walked to the couch. "Hakkai! C'mon, it was a jokey-joke!" The older whined and jumped onto the couch.

"Taka-chan, have you even kissed a guy before?" "Of course I have, I just kissed one yesterday." Mitsuya grinned and watched Hakkai's expression go from curiosity to blatant consternation. "Taka-chan, you know that's not what I meant," He sighed and sat up. "I'm not one to tell you how to cope, but maybe we should discuss finding you a therapist? Or at least another method, it'd feel wrong laughing at one of those jokes. And you know I accidentally will," "Mmm, I personally don't think I need one but I'll guess I'll consider it before throwing it out the window." Mitsuya said tossed a pillow at his friend. "I'm serious Taka-chan." "So am I!" The two stared at each other before Hakkai groaned and stood up.

"Nevermind," He huffed and looked around for his phone. "You hungry?" He asked as he pulled up doordash. "Yeah...can we go to your house?" Mitsuya questioned and picked at the stitching of a pillow he was holding. "My place? Why?" Hakkai looked up from his phone and raised his eyebrows at the older. "Because we always hang out here. I need a change of scenery," The lilac-haired explained and threw the pillow aside. "Okay...that's fine with me, but my place is kinda messy." Hakkai warned and looked back at his phone screen. "Fine with me, you see how my place is." Mitsuya said and stood up. "I'm gonna take a quick shower before we go." "M'kay,"


"Hakkai, you should throw parties here or something. It sure does look like a party house," Mitsuya said as he walked into Hakkai's and Yuzuha's shared house. "As if I have the time for that," The younger snorted as he locked the front door behind them. "Oh yeah, and to answer your question from earlier I've kissed plenty of men before." Mitsuya gave him a small smile and left the room. Hakkai was stunned by the sudden statement and could feel his face heat up. The older poked his head around the corner and asked, "Have you?" to which Hakkai nodded and responded, "Yeah, I have." and Mitsuya hummed in response with a smirk on his face and once again disappeared.

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