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"Okay, close your eyes! No peeking!" Mitsuya instructed and put Hakkai's hands over his eyes. "Why do I have the feeling that you're about to lead me to my death?" The model shuddered and the older gave him a questionable look. "Um, till death do us part darling." He shrugged and got out the car so he could lead Hakkai to the venue entrance. "Your eyes are shut, right? Squeeze 'em tight!" The blue haired could tell from his friends' voice that he had a huge adorable grin on his face from excitement.

"Okay...open them!" The designer pulled the taller man's hands away from his eyes and looked up at from beaming from ear to ear. "Happy birthday Hakkai!!" Their friends cheered and the model looked around to take in the decorated room. There was his friend group standing there grinning, some holding party poppers and others had noise blowers and were blowing air into them so their squeaky sound filled the room. There were streamers, balloons, and a banner that read, "Happy Birthday BigShot Shiba" which was a common nickname they used to tease Hakkai after he first got into modeling. Confetti covered almost every inch of the floor. 

Hakkai didn't even notice that he began to tear up until Mitsuya started giving him a worried look and pulled his face closer by the chin. "Are you crying? Do you not like it?" He asked as he wiped the tears from his face. "No, no. I love it, thank you guys so much for this. It means the world to me." The young model laughed and wiped his eyes. "Aww, Hakkai!" Chifuyu smiled and pat his friend on the shoulder. "Growing up, birthdays weren't such a big deal in our household. It was like any other day for us," The blue haired man looked over at his sister who was nodding in agreement with a solemn expression.

"So the fact that you guys went out your way to prepare this for me means so much. I appreciate this, words could never express how grateful I am that you did this for me! Little  me is bubbling with excitement right now!" He beamed and everyone cheered before Chifuyu shouted, "Let's start this party with a bang!" which was the cue for the music to begin. A playlist of all Hakkai's favorite songs was composed and was to be played for the entirety of the night. Hakkai and Mitsuya walked around and spoke to their friends other invited guests who were scattered around the venue. "How long were you guys planning this?" The model asked as he poked his friend in his side playfully.

"Haha, it was pretty last minute. I'd say for like three weeks?" The lilac haired shrugged and switched to another topic, "So what do ya' really want for your birthday?" he asked as they finally got to take a seat after speaking to so many people. "Hmm, I don't you'd be able to give me what I want." Hakkai smirked which made the older want to know even more. "Of course I can! I'll even bring your enemy's dead body to you if that's what you want," Mitsuya had to speak in a hushed voice in case there was any paparazzi or reporters in earshot. "Okay well that's not what I want but thank you??" The model looked very puzzled and concerned but shook it off.

"What I actually wanted was a kiss from the most beautiful person ever. Like I said earlier in Harajuku?" He reminded him and Mitsuya sat long and hard about his answer before saying, "Well you can't kiss yourself so I can't really help with that darling." He shrugged obliviously and the model mentally facepalmed. "I'd kick you right now if I could. I'm talking about you, dummy!" Hakkai groaned and ran a hand through his hair while the lilac haired sat there in absolute disbelief and tried to connect the dots as to when he hinted at that.

"Wow, I sorta am dumb." He realized and scratched his head sheepishly. "But um, do you really wanna kiss now? Look at all the paparazzi around us, it'll be the scandal of the century!" The fashion designer pointed out and Hakkai furrowed his brows as he reconsidered his decision. "Eh, to hell with it. I'm down if you are," Was his response, and Mitsuya was almost always down. So they said "fuck it" and shared a few delicate yet sensual kisses in the VIP booth without any other care in the world as they did so.

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