Capítulo 56. - Where our dreams come from

Start from the beginning

She grimaced as she remembered her fears and tried momentarily not to let them invade her thoughts, putting psychological pressure on her head, increasing her tension and anxiety. It had been days since she had pushed the image of Caio out of her mind, focusing all her attention on herself and Shawn.

She needed to take care of him too, she worried about his physical and mental health, and knew how prone he was to stress crises and mood swings when he was at this crazy pace of touring, so she didn't bring up the subject of Caio with him, nor did she want to worry him unnecessarily, since she didn't even know if what she had seen was really real or the product of a hysteria she had been carrying inside her for days. She preferred to believe that it was only her imagination, and that it had nothing to do with her, since she and Shawn were safer on tour than they would be at home alone.

A knock on the door roused her from her reveries, and as she opened it, Brian smiled at her from the hallway. He had joined the tour in the last month at the request of Shawn, who needed his help with some equipment and sound checks at the shows.

- Hi, Rosely. How are you feeling today?

- Much better, the nausea hasn't bothered me as much, so I can eat better now. - she said also smiling. She really liked Brian, and had learned over time to appreciate his company. He was like a brother to Shawn, so inseparable that they were together in all the important events of their lives. Brian had changed a lot when he started dating Lexy.  He had calmed his restless Don Juan spirit and seemed to have found in Rosaly's friend his ideal partner, and they both matched perfectly well together. They had the same thoughts and dreams, and were building a beautiful story together, Rosaly could even see a future for those two who seemed more and more in love and involved with each other.

- I'm glad you're feeling better, because Shawn asked me to take you to lunch.  He got stuck in rehearsal because of technical problems and didn't want you to have lunch alone. - Rosaly laughed and thought to herself that this was Shawn's way of making sure she didn't miss lunch, and making her understand that even if he wasn't there he was taking care of her just the same.

- Okay. I'd love to have you join me for lunch. - she replied.

Brian took her to a restaurant not far from the hotel where they served excellent Italian food. The place was not very crowded, and as soon as they entered a waiter led them to a corner table that was available. Brian took the menu that the waiter offered him and placed his orders. As soon as the waiter left them, Rosaly looked amused at Brian and said-:

- It looks like Shawn has instructed you right on what I should order for my lunch.

- I'm sorry, Rosely if I seemed overbearing or nosy in ordering without asking your opinion, but I followed the instructions he gave me. - Brian said blandly.

- You'd think he wouldn't trust me to order my own lunch, wouldn't you? - she said, glaring at Brian.

- Rosely, don't be upset.  Shawn is very worried about you.

- I know. I'm not complaining. I know I gave him cause to worry. I should have taken better care of myself, and I also should have told him that I wasn't well, but I didn't want to give him a reason to be even more stressed than he already is with all his tour commitments.

- Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't have stayed home instead of coming with him. - her voice broke, and a lump formed in her throat as her eyes filled with tears, and she made a tremendous effort not to cry in front of Brian and make a scene in the restaurant in front of everyone. Brian touched her hand and said:

- Please don't say that. Shawn loves you Rosely, and he  is enjoying having you on tour with him. You should see the way he talks about you and the baby.  He is so proud of you and keeps telling you that you will be the best mother in the world.

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