chapter 22: a penny for luck

Start from the beginning

Turning his attention back to the bar, he scowled. He wanted to grab Ariel by the hair and personally shove him into the beer mug Cody had just filled. Jealousy gnawed at him. It began in his heart and then migrated to his brain before it occupied every part of him. "I hope you fucking fall and crack your skull on the stage like Humpty Dumpty."

As he marched towards the bar, Sina wished he could erase everything he felt. The following wish was that Cody might have some more coke on him. An 8 ball would be nice. But just as he made his way through the cluster of drunks holding their lukewarm drinks, Sina spotted him.

Father Caleb Hill sat on one of the stools and Sina was able to see his profile perfectly. Underneath the pitiful fluorescent lights, the preacher looked ethereal. There was a glow to him Sina could not pinpoint like he was something more than human. More than man.

Ain't nothing special about him you fool. You're just crushing and you need to stop now. A vile little voice in the back of Sina's brain taunted and wouldn't let up. He's God's bitch. That's the other one you hate. Remember? OK, so maybe – just maybe –you felt something was there in that second when he removed your hood. But there was nothing. Zilch! He was just trying to be nice. He wasn't flirting. He's definitely not interested in someone like you. He's a priest and priests don't fall for strippers. Especially strippers who are demons!

"Oh, seven hells he looks so beautiful." But just as the words escaped his lips, he heard the Devil's ringing in his brain, "If your lovely priest finds out you are my spawn what do you think he will do, hmmm? Take you home and cherish you? Silly child. The preacher man'll hate you. But before he does, he'll break your heart." Batting his palm against his head, Sina whispered angrily, "Stop it. It's not true. He's kind. I know he is. He may not like me back but he wouldn't hurt me."

As if the preacher had heard him talking to himself, Caleb turned around. His gaze fell upon Sina and did not falter.

Sina lowered his hand. His fingers twitched. All the negative thoughts crashed at his feet. In that split second, he felt as if he was no longer in Purgatory. There was no Devil. No drunken fools. No mermaid-haired strippers and no need for drugs. A sweet serenity brushed by him like a cat. It curled around his very being and warmed him. Sina felt as if there was an invisible rope linking him to the priest, and it was pulling them closer.

Father Caleb smiled warmly yet Sina could spot a faint blush rising on his pale cheeks.

"Hello," said the priest. "Glad to see I was wrong."

"Huh?" Though Sina had neared Cal, he remained a safe three feet away.

The corners of Father Cal's lips curled up a touch higher. "You didn't catch your death."

Sina shrugged childishly. "That's because I didn't run fast enough."

When Father Cal chuckled, Sina found himself torn between wanting to take off and wanting to stay. Silver bells. His voice sounds like friggen silver bells.

"You didn't tell me your name last time."

"No. I didn't." Sina glanced in the direction of the bar.

Cody was wildly gesturing to the preacher. He mouthed, Is it Sunday already?

Ignoring Cody, Sina shifted his attention back to Cal and spoke, "My name's Sina Noir. It's kinda like sinner, so it's not hard to remember."

"It's unique. Certainly not a name one easily forgets." Caleb reached around to the bar a second after Cody had stopped gesturing and took hold of his glass. "But you're wrong, it doesn't sound like sinner to me. It's..." Caleb briefly dipped his gaze onto his lap as the words died on his tongue.

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