Arthur X Reader - Lover Pt.3

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hey everyone sorry for not being very active the past few months!! I'm back again (probs idk) < 3

this was a request! feel free to request anything you like (within reason)

summary - you give birth to arthur's baby and arthur is stressing tf out
warning - pregnancy, birth, swearing
(this story is written for a female reader who uses she/her pronouns! feel free to change anything up while you're reading to suit your identity!)

Pregnancy was terrible. You could no longer go out in public without someone wanting to ask you questions, feel your belly or ask about your "husband".

To be fair, you never left the camp alone, because Arthur insisted on accompanying you everywhere, no matter what. He hated leaving you alone and was prone to running about trying to "fix" things before the baby came.

"Your Arthur's turned into a madman," Tilly observed, giggling as Arthur removed any stick he deemed too pointy from the camp.

"God, I know. You'd think he was the one who's pregnant," you laughed, watching him.

"How are you feeling?" Tilly asked, turning the attention to you.

"Gigantic. I just want this baby out of me at this point," you sighed.

Tilly chuckled, putting a hand on your shoulder. "You're doing good, Y/N. Just be patient."

Unfortunately, patience wasn't really something you were good at. You just wanted the whole pregnancy part over with. You were also nervous about the birth of it all. Abigail had filled you in on everything you needed to know, but half of you wondered if it would have been better off not knowing at all.

Arthur was the only person you knew you could do this with.

You also couldn't help but feel like a burden to the gang. The old you would have been out there doing jobs, helping around the camp and going hunting. If you had to darn another sock, you were going to drown yourself in the lake.

The gang had moved to an old house since you had fallen pregnant, a rundown plantation house that had been a outpost for the Lemoyne Raiders. Hosea had assured you it was safer, no one would find them there, and it would be a better place for the whole pregnancy and birth.


"Arthur, calm down," you rolled your eyes, breathing deeply. Abigail had told you that your waters would break and you had been prepared for it, but Arthur thought you were having some kind of "bad reaction to pregnancy". "This just happens."

"You're going to have a baby," he stated, his eyes widening.

"Yeah, no shit, Arthur, now go find Miss Grimshaw," you snapped, chewing on your finger. How the fuck were you supposed to do this?

Arthur nodded, turning on his heel.

"Hang on, wait," you sighed, looking at the mess of a man who didn't know any better than you.

"What? Are you ok? What's wrong?" He panicked, putting his hands on your shoulders.

You smiled, you're face softening. "We're going to have a baby." You wrapped your arms around his neck, as carefully as you could. For the first time in months, you felt him relax and finally things felt like they might just be okay. "I love you," you whispered gently.

"I love you, too" he laughs, his face breaking open into a smile. "I'll go get Grimshaw."

You go into your tent and lie down on your bed, breathing in and out like Abigail had showed you. You hear someone's  voice yelling "Van Der Linde baby!" Things we're going to work, you told yourself. You were going to have this baby and everything was going to be alright. You couldn't help but feel a pain in your chest.

The camp seems to fall silent all of a sudden and you almost feel like you hear a shriek. The banging of doors and the yelling of Dutch. The sounds of people running out onto the balconies and the worst thing, the last thing you wanted to hear right now. The unmistakable sound of gunshots.

Your heart drops.

Abigail and Miss Grimshaw rush into your room. There faces are furrowed and sweaty. "Where's Arthur? What's happening?" You wince, your contractions becoming closer together. "Where's Arthur?" You hear yourself shout.

"He's ok, Miss Y/N, he'll be ok," Miss Grimshaw sits beside you putting an arm around your shoulder.

"It's the O'Driscolls, Y/N, they've killed Kieran, but they're going to take care of it, it's all going to be fine," Abigail tries to reassure you, but as she says this her voice cracks and she rushes out of the room. "I'm sorry, I need to find Jack, I need..."

You can't help but break down, head in your hands, shakily breathing. "I want Arthur here," you hiss, holding back your tears.

"I know, sweetheart. He has to protect us, Miss Y/N, he has a job," Miss Grimshaw brushes your hair off your forehead, wiping the sweat from your brow. "I'm here with you, now lie back, okay?"

You lie back, the sounds of gunshots still prevalent in the background.

"Relax, now, miss," Grimshaw says, removing your undergarments.

"How can I relax? I cant do this," you sob, groaning as the pain grows inside you. "How the fuck am I supposed to do this?"

"When I tell you to push, you push, sweetheart, just keep breathing and pushing," Miss Grimshaw tells you, but her words go in one ear and out the other.

Seconds feel like years, as you lay there helpless, Miss Grimshaw's words guiding you through the motions, yelling and bullets the only thing you can really concentrate on. You listen to each fire and each word yelled and you can't hear Arthur's voice anywhere. You can't hear him anywhere.

"I need Arthur," you cry, pushing weakly.

"It's almost over, Y/N, you're doing well, keep going," Miss Grimshaw clutches your hand as you yell and your ears are filled with the noises of yourself, and suddenly you can't hear anything else at all.

And there he is. "Y/N," Arthur whispers, rushing into the room for those last moments, the final moments of the worst moment of your life. And it doesn't feel hopeless anymore.


slay. don't really now what else to write for this tbh so im just going to leave it there. i don't know how to write about babies so im not even going to try. i probs won't be doing a part 4 for this i think this is a good way to leave it off.

requests >>>>>>>>>>

thank you for reading

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