Chapter I

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Adora's Pov

"Where the hell did those guys go?" I asked myself. My companions left me because Glimmer got too drunk, My parents won't pick up and everyone here is about as accommodating as my Aunt Weaver. By the way, she's not hospitable, at all. She just sits in her room all day lecturing me about how I can be a more useful person than I am right now. I am fully convinced that she doesn't respect me. One time she lectured me and Catra about not sleeping in the same room because we weren't married. Wait, why did I have to think about her? "Catra Why did you do this to me, To us? Doesn't matter I hate you now"

Hate was the only word that lingered in my mind for the past occasional months. I got up off the bench I was sitting on only to be met by two really colossal-sized men. One harbored a bat, and the other carried an Nr.1 Glock 17. I really didn't want the trouble right now so I attempted to tread past them. The same man with the gun seized my arm and I grimaced at him. "This some kinda joke to you? let go of me." The man only grasped tighter. I was too drunk to oppose them right now.

The man with the gun sneered at me and then started to pull on my already bruised arm. I tried pulling against him but it was no use. He was way too immense for me to be fighting against in this condition. I gave up but that wasn't the end of this someone had knocked the shit out of the two. They both fell down. I got the worst of the blow. I felt myself descending into a dark and bloody abyss. The face of an attractive girl came into my sight and then everything went blank.

Officer Angela's Pov

"Hey, where's the coffee I asked for 30 minutes ago, And why do I have no update on where Prime is?" I heard Hordak, the head police chief, yell as he threw a nearby computer into the wall. I peeked out of my session to see that he had almost hit a worker who was small and had blonde hair. I think his name was kyle.

"How do you expect us to get all this done? Were not your animals you know?" The girl named Lonnie I assumed spoke. Throwing a whole bunch of weapons down. Gladly none of them went off that would have been quite the scenery.

Hordak squinted at the girl sizing her up. "So, you think you have the right to talk to me like that?" I Only blinked for a second, and then the girl was tossed across the room into a printer. "Anyone else wanna go against me?" Hordak asked.

Everyone quieted down and the girl he threw was whimpering on the floor. The silence was soon broken by all the phones in the room ringing. "We have a § 16-5-40," someone yelled. "Battle stations you bunch of pussies." Everyone ran to their areas. I heard a couple of conversations speaking of a street brawl and kidnapping.

"911 What's your emergency?" A young girl's voice came through speaking quickly. She couldn't have been any older than 25. "It'sdark,Ican'tbreatheand,IthinkImightbeinsomeone'scartrunk" The girl said It was all really mumbled up but I think I got the main idea.

I was trying to pinpoint the location but it wasn't really working. The girl might have an old phone. "Okay sweetheart, I'm gonna need you to breathe honey now take deep breaths with me, In and out, and then one time are you feeling slightly better now?"

"Y-yes." the girl squeaked, stuttering slightly. "Hunnie I need you to tell me if you see a green latch in the car? I just need a visual." I heard shuffling and then her voice popped back in. "No latch, the car is definitely old and... oh god the car stopped." The girl started panicking again. "Hey, Hey it's okay, stay calm,... tell me your name?"

The girl's sobs were easy to hear through the phone. "My name is A-Adora."

'Huh funny, my daughter's friend has that same name' I thought to myself. "That's such a beautiful name Adora, My name is Angela and you know what? We're gonna get through this." The girl was quiet now.

I heard shuffling and then a scream pierced through the phone. "If she dies the blood is on your hands." The person's masked voice said and then the call ended. I stood up abruptly and walked to Mr. Wilson. "Hey, Hordak, I think we've got a Kidnapper on our hands."

"Bloody hell can you people do anything right!?" He yelled then stormed out of the room. 


First attempt at writing a fanfic

Not gonna lie I feel uncomfortable

I think it's bc I think it's not good enough but sometimes I just really need to shut my mouth

Anyways hoped this was interesting enough


Mine's Forever- Catradora Kidnapped AUWhere stories live. Discover now