Chapter 9: The Prison - Part 2

Start from the beginning

Jayden looked around at the group. Rick was hugging Carl and Beth hugged her father. She looked to the left and saw Glenn and Maggie smile through a kiss. Lastly, she looked at Lori who looked like she was about to pop. Jayden subconsciously put a hand on her stomach.

She saw a life that she had once wanted. She was a badass no question but Abby and Tim often connected with her mushy side. She told them a while back in Abby's lab that she always wanted that perfect story. Falling in love and having a family. But after her last mission, she realized that there was no answer to that reality. It would stay a dream, she had too much baggage, and let's be honest, Glenn and Maggie got lucky. No one is going to find love in an apocalypse.

She took her gaze off Lori when she felt a presence. She looked to her side to see Daryl looking at her. His eyes fell to her stomach where her hand lay. Jayden noticed this and quickly took her hand away grabbing her bow and heading towards the gate.

"Where are you going?!" T-Dog shouted.

"Hunting," Was Jayden's only response.

"I'll come with." T-Dog jogged over and fell in step with her. "You good?"

"Gotta be." Jayden looked over and gave him a tight smile. As they disappeared into the woods.


Daryl watched Jayden's form disappear into the woods with T-Dog. He should have to go with her. He was quieter and they would have more success. He shook the thoughts from his brain as he turned around and came face to face with a smirk that laid on Carol's face.

"What." He took a mini step backward as Carol's smirk turned into a full smile.

"Oh nothing, I was just admiring Jayden's hair. She chooses some unique hairstyles huh. I mean they make her look pretty badass wouldn't-cha say?" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Daryl glared at her before making his way past her, which only made Carol giggle and her smile just about took up her entire face.


It had been a few hours since Jayden and T-Dog left. Jayden could tell from the sky that it was reaching about four in the afternoon. She got a couple of rabbits but everyone was extremely hungry so she ventured out further in search of more food.

T-Dog's footsteps were loud and scared basically everything away. Jayden looked down a noticed a track. By the footprints and the feces next to it she knew it was a deer. She held up her hand causing T-Dog to stop moving. She turned and looked at him as searched around thinking something was near.

"Stay here, I'm going to follow this deer tract, and no offense your footsteps would scare it away." She took off the string of rabbits she had and handed them to T-Dog. "If I am not back within the hour take the rabbits back to camp."

She turned and stalked off into the woods. Slowly and quietly as T-Dog popped a squat and began waiting.

It had definitely been more than an hour but T-Dog was nervous to leave the spot. He didn't want to leave Jayden out in the woods by herself but it was starting to get dark. He took one last look in the direction she went, hoping her head would pop out at any second. When it didn't he turned and began heading back for the prison.

As he made it back to the gate it was dark and the only light illuminated from a fire in the yard. He locked the fence back up and made his way toward Daryl sitting by the fire. He stopped next to the redneck and waited. When Daryl looked up at T-Dog he noticed the three rabbits hanging from his hand.

"I would do it myself but I don't know how to skin one," T-Dog said honestly. Daryl looked around and noticed that Jayden was nowhere to be seen.

"Where the hell is Jayden?" Daryl asked as he stood up. Everyone looked at the pair with worry.

"She found some deer tracks and went to follow them. Told me if she wasn't back in an hour to head back here." T-Dog said.

"And you just let her leave!" Daryl yelled getting in T-Dog's face. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"She needed it to be quiet, I was too loud on my feet." I thought she would make it back or be close behind me." T-Dog put his hands up and backed away.

Daryl scoffed and bent down grabbing his crossbow, revolver, and flashlight. Without hesitation, he walked past T-Dog and towards the fence. He ignored the people calling out his name and protesting. When he reached the gate Rick was right beside him.

"Hey wait up," Rick said.

"I'm goin' out there. This is just stupid!" Daryl grumbled as he walked past the gates and into the woods.


Another chapter in the books! Hope you guys enjoy it so far. Don't forget to drop a comment or suggestion and if you like the chapter vote!

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