Beast of Regression

Start from the beginning

When the beams of light hit this barrier they turned to dust and faded away. This being caused by the fact that this skill denies all established forms of life and because Aizen's attacks are made using his spiritual pressure it is also contented as a established life form.

The Tiamat counter attacked by gathering energy in her mouth and launching a large red beam of pure genesis at Aizen. Who blocked by using Bakudō #81. Splitting Void. However he was still pushed back a few meters and his barrier has multiple cracks in it.

Dispelling the barrier Aizen watched as Tiamat rushed at him. He summoned his katana and met her with a expulsion of force. He was quickly pushed back by her overwhelming strength as she followed up by slashing her tail at him which he quickly dodged.

The fight continued like this as Aizen used his superior speed to put out more attacks and Tiamat used her superior strength and endurance to strike at opportune moments that would force Aizen to block. As even with his Touki he is unable to overcome her strength.

So Aizen was forced to use his superior intellect to overcome her. This being why he stayed in one stop for a second to long and allowed himself to get smacked out of the air by Tiamat. Who instantly capitalized on this and pinned him down and corrupted the ground around him making the Sea of Life and controlling it to submerge Aizen within it and turn him into one of her children.

However what he wanted was for her to be this close to him. As now he could use a certain Hado. So when he was fully encompassed within the liquid Tiamat became surprised as reality itself heated up as purple flames began to be created while being followed by the words of Aizen.

"Hadō #96. Ittō Kasō"

As he said those words he sacrificed his left arm. The arm then cracked as a large blade of dark purple flames was created in a instant. Cutting threw reality itself as it cleanly sliced Tiamat in half and released him from his self induced prison.

With him being freed he looked upon Tiamat who withered in pain from being cut in two. Slowly healing and reforming but Aizen would not allow it. Clasping his hands together in a hand sign as he spoke once more.

"Bakudō #99, Part 1. Forbid."

With one of the strongest sealing techniques being spoken spiritual fabric formed and wrapped Tiamat's arms together around her chest with the bindings continuing onto the ground around her forming a X shape with iron stakes pinning her to the ground.

Normally this would allow for no escape but Tiamat is definitely not normal. As she could easily get out of these bindings if she used her barrier. However she cannot as she is still focusing on healing herself. Instead she began to corrupt the ground and the bindings themselves with her sea of life and with enough time her escape is certain.

"That mud is truly annoying. Well, two can play this game." Aizen stated.

He then stuck his hands into the ground as he spoke.

"Bakudō #99, Part 2. Constriction Ban"

Then as if the give Tiamat a taste of her own medicine, Aizen transfigured the surroundings into a white fabric. Even the Sea of Life was changed into this fabric as Tiamat was completely encased and sealed by it. Unable to escape as she was still focusing on healing.

With that over with and Tiamat completely sealed Aizen raised his hand towards the sky and lifted his pointer finger towards the heavens. A dark aura surrounding him as a great pressure crashed down on reality.

"The Crest of Turmoil Swells. The Vessel of Madness grows Insolent. They Boil, they Deny, they become Numb, they Blink and they impede Slumber. The Princess of Iron Crawls. The Mud Doll Ceaselessly Destroys its Self. Gather. Scatter! Become Nothing and know your own Powerlessness!

Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi!"

With the new incantation complete a black coffin is imprinted upon creation. The one inside is then subjugated to gravity that is now powerful enough to warp existence itself as she is instantly reduced to nothing. A painless death.

With the battle over with Aizen does not look any bit tried. Thanks to the power of the Hogyoku he has infinite stamina and will never get tried unless he is injured beyond his power to regenerate.

He then uses his clairvoyance to make sure that she is truly dead and finds that she is and is not at the same time. Her body has been destroyed but she birthed the concept of life she cannot truly die until all life is dead. Meaning that she will soon be reborn. Something that Aizen will not allow.

He summons his sword and holds it close to his chest.

"Ban... K-" Aizen started but was interrupted by a royal and prideful voice from behind him.

"You should stop there, Mongrel. If I wanted her dead I would have done it a long time ago."

Aizen turned around and came face to face with the golden king himself. The crimson eyed man is smirking with a set of full gold armor on. His golden hair is slicked back and he is wearing gold earrings. 

"Welcome, to my world

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"Welcome, to my world. I'm afraid it is not in the best shape but it still stands." Aizen greeted while motioning to the destruction his fight with Tiamat caused.

"Humph. You would welcome a king such as I? Such pointlessness. I am welcome everywhere as everything is apart of my garden." Gilgamesh stated as if it was a fact.

Gilgamesh then tapped his chin as he a golden portal opened by Aizen's feet. Out of that portal dropped out the head of Jack the Ripper. 

"Even glorified sewer rats like that one. Though for a sewer rat he did keep me quite entertained." He laughed.

Aizen looked down at the head of his former Espada with no reaction. He sent Jack there knowing that he would die. It changes little in the end.

"I see. How disappointing." Aizen spoke with no indication that he is disappointed.

While he spoke Gilgamesh felt Aizen's new power and gave out a excited grin. Yes, this is what he wanted. Finally a foe that can give him a actual fight.

"Enough about that. Its time for you to show me if you truly have what it takes to surpass even me! Though I highly doubt such a feat is possible." Proclaimed Gilgamesh.

Multiple gold portals opened behind him as dozens of legendary weapons poked out of the kings treasury as they glowed golden with power of the king.

"Lets begin! I am tired of waiting!.."

The Battle of Kings has Begun!

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