Blissful Taste of Your Sweet Lips

Start from the beginning

It made him wonder if Y/N knew how to cook, which then led him down a spiral of related questions, such as what she might make him in their new home? Was she a better baker than a cook? What desserts might she treat him to? Or, better yet, if she wasn't much of either, he could very well end up in the role as her own personal chef. He could take up cooking. After all, with the lack of killing, he might require some new hobbies. Oh, what he'd give to hear compliments of his dishes rolling off that tongue of hers in delightful fashion.

He would treat her so well once he had her trapped with him. He would tend to his rose's every need, all while keeping her safe and sound in their new forever home. Fuck, he wanted to take her there immediately— Just break into that house and snatch her up, but the sale wasn't finalized yet. Rich had to be patient... So, so patient. In the meantime, he'd enjoy the little things: the way her hands caressed him, the way their lips melded, her tongue upon his.

He had to stop walking for a moment to catch his breath, squeezing the pole of a nearby street sign to try and compose himself. He hated that he had to leave her side for even a moment after that, but for appearances sake, he behaved like a good boy and left without a fuss. Didn't matter anyways. It wouldn't be long now before everyone was cozily asleep in their beds. Then, he could visit his flower again, and indeed, he did, after wandering around, lost in his head until the late hours of the night.

When the time was right, the stalker returned to his love, creeping inside the house with great caution before stopping at her bedside. She looked less organized than usual, a strand of hair in her mouth while her arms sprawled out crookedly across the mattress. Rich held in a chuckle as he sat beside her and removed the hair from her lips before carefully adjusting her limbs, resulting in a soft groan that made him pause. She relaxed, and so he laid down, facing her with dreamy eyes and warm cheeks as he came close enough to nearly brush against her nose. The killer shuddered at the feeling of her breath on his lips as he bit down on his lower one, as if to simulate that feeling from earlier when she had done it.

He wanted more.

He wanted her to wake up and kiss him again, all over his face and neck, each one slow and full of love, just like the one they shared. He supposed he could've moved in closer, but he didn't want to be too greedy. There would be plenty of that in store for him later. For the moment, he would admire her. Unable to help it, he brought a hand up to her face, the backs of his fingers caressing her cheek, making her brows knit slightly as she began panting. A whimper alerted him as she became more and more distressed, and though he wished to help her, he had to act quickly and hide before she could wake, so under the bed he went.

A loud gasp came from above as she shot up. Rich held his breath, his heart racing, but then, his chest sunk as the girl began sobbing quietly to herself, gripping her arms as a reminder that she was awake now and no long trapped inside the confines of a bad dream. He wished to come out and comfort her but knew it was wiser to stay put. Sniffling, Y/N steps down and walks over to the attached bathroom before closing the door. It was then he relaxed, wearing a frown as he waited for her return.

He was getting sick of all this hiding. They are a pair now! He should be able to step out and help her in her time of need, offer his arms to hold and console her every worry and fear. He would be sure to hug her as soon as she went back to sleep. It was his only way to make up for it. When Y/N returned to bed with some tissues balled up in her hand, she settled beneath the covers and sniffled before draping her arm off the side of the mattress, almost as if she was begging someone to hold onto it. Though very tempted to do that, he held tightly to his own, which trembled with desire. He felt like a fish taken to a lure waiting to fish him out of the water and capture him. That can't happen. Not yet, but god, why must she play him like this?

"You know, I used to be so scared of monsters living underneath my bed." Rich held his breath, eyes wide with dread, once she whispered those words. Had he been found out already?! He trembled more, this time nervously, as he frantically tried to think up a backup plan. Then, she spoke again. "But, one day, mom told me that the monsters might be just as scared as me and that I should hold my hand out to them if I am ever scared. It's so silly, I know, but I don't want to wake anyone, and I could really use a friend right now, even if it's just a pretend one." His heart ached. She was straight out inviting him! But, he knew. He knew she didn't know he was under there. She was just speaking her frustrations, confiding in the air. Sighing roughly, she takes the hand away, and Richard relaxed a bit, knowing he wasn't found out yet.

"I can't stop seeing it. Every time I close my eyes, all I see is blood anymore." Her breath hitched as she hid against the pillow with her eyes squeezed shut to muffle a whine. He didn't know whether to be flattered or worried that she was dreaming about all his hard work, though he definitely should've figured that was the case when he saw she was having a nightmare. A part of him did feel guilty about it, though he'd never take back any of his kills.

He never meant for her to see his artwork firsthand. It was one thing to hear about it on the news, another for her to witness it herself, but more than anything, he regretted having to hit her in order to avoid confrontation. He never wants to damage his precious rose again. The whole ordeal was a big mess. If only she had never found him there. Then again, without that shock, would she have still come to him as distraught as she was? Would they have still shared that sweet kiss he longed for so much?

Instinctively, his tongue traced his bottom lip, and he withheld a sigh. It all worked in his favor, he supposed. For a long while, he waited, listening to those gut-wrenching sobs. It was truly a test for his patience, as he had wanted to reveal himself too many times to count. Then, a string of honey-sweet words sounded from above him, words that lit up his eyes and made the waiting worth every second.

"At least one good thing happened today." Y/N traced her fingers lethargically over her lips. She couldn't muster a smile, but upon recalling the kiss, her chest felt lighter. She gave the bottom one a light pinch before dropping her hand and sighing. Her face nestled into the pillows as she imagined it to be his warm chest, the blankets his secure arms. She could practically imagine his heart beating quickly beneath her. Little did she know, it was, but she couldn't hear it, lucky for Rich.

He was screaming out curses in his head for being tempted so bad. She was talking about him, he just knows it. She said those words so softly, it melted him. Eventually, Y/N did end up falling asleep after an agonizing thirty minutes, but as soon as he was sure, he crawled out from under that bed and stared at his beauty with hearts in his eyes.

'Do I truly make you so happy, Y/N? You have no idea how thrilled I am to know that. Through all this pain, I am your shining light, aren't I? I must be for you to speak so fondly. You love me, don't you? You love me. You love me. You love me.' His ego was blowing out of proportion as he grinned and giggled quietly like a maniac as he crawled over her in bed, caging her between his limbs as she slept, blissfully unaware of him. Being so careful, he cupped her cheeks and turned her face towards him, his lips just ghosting over her own. He feared he might wake her with a real kiss, yet the slightest touch of her skin against his made him shudder. It was such a struggle, but he forced himself away and took some deep breaths before laying at her side and gathering her in his arms, where she was meant to be.

A rose is meant to be wrapped up in thorns. How else would it's beauty be preserved?

'Well, I love you too, Y/N.'

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